A Guide to Oilseed Radish in Farming Simulator 19!!


Everything you need to know when it comes to oilseed radish in Farming Simulator 19!

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  1. So if i understanded correctly(Correct me if mistaken) If you use oilseed radish AND fertilizer you will get the 100% fertilizered you your next crop? And also how much it gives more harvest? I have tried to fertilize by 50% and 100% but don't know how much of a difference it is… In real life I'd know it right way….

  2. Hi, on seasons. You can seeding it we with activ fertilizer. Let it growth over winter. On spring you get your seeder again with activ fertilizer an on the front you attach a subsoiler to cultivate it before you seed your cribs.
    Can you do a video about precision farming dlc and oil radish?
    Kind regards Hans

  3. I used oilseed radish in FS17 but quit in 19 because of the extra growth cycle needed before cash crop harvest. I wonder how it works out in $$ per week or something that includes the time factor?

  4. This crop is particularly useful in seasons. If you buy a field late in the year after all the other crop can't be grown you can plant this and get one, possibly two harvest cultivations before its time for the winter wheat or spring and the next planting cycle. It is also a good cover crop during the winter and does not affect the crop rotation.

  5. I use the radish on 3 day seasons every time. I only single crop so it works out perfect. In the fall do these steps. 1 spread solid fert (1st fert stage), 2 plant oil seed radish, 3 spread solid fert right after planting (second fert stage). Now in the spring when I plant it gives me my 3rd fert stage. Now I just sit back and wait for harvest season.

  6. Personally I find OSR in base game to be fairly pointless. You maximize income by turning over the fields quickly: harvest, cultivate, seed, wait until harvest ready. The longer you delay these steps, the slower your financial growth. So if you add OSR to the field cycle, you're now looking at 6 stages of growth rather than 4 (2 stages for the OSR). Also my early tests seemed to indicate that OSR has a slower growth rate than other crops, by a factor of x1.5 (though that was early in FS19 lifecycle, and the crop might now have the same growth rate as other crops).

    Now OSR is not unique in its application (well maybe except that it doesn't ripen and allow you to harvest it as a cash yielding crop), other crops can also be plowed in to yield a fertilization stage. Commonly seen when converting a grass field to arable – if you mow the grass you get a free application of fertilizer, and then again when you plow it under (only fields though, not map grass). The other time I will see it, is when I buy a field with a crop I don't intend to harvest (usually because of equipment expense), potatoes, sugar beets and cane, and even cotton – I want the field, but I don't want the crop, plow it under and you get free fertilizer stage, then plant something you can use – just remember to use care wheels when running the plow, or you'll wreck the crop, also remember care wheels don't give good traction, so you'll need a lighter than normal plow!

    The big thing though is with seasons. Because you have forced downtime between harvest and planting (commonly called "winter"), you can lay down some OSR, leave it until spring, then plow it under at planting time (this is also a real world thing, where you're protecting the soil from erosion, by having a crop in the ground during rains and snows). OSR is almost the cheapest form of fertilizer – behind digestate, for which you get paid for making, and slurry or manure, which is free from cattle and pigs – though it is also more efficient than these 3, as they require far more liters per acre. However in the realms of seed cost, OSR uses 50% seed per acre when compared with the best arable crop (canola), and 20% when compared to cereals!! And seed is cheaper than liquid and solid fertilizers.

  7. Hmm. I've never done this but I think I might start, particularly to get the first stage. This could save a TON of money on a large field. I don't think I would plow it under though, unless I had a direct drill planter/seeder. Otherwise it's just introducing an additional step.

  8. So you start your farm, you buy a few equipments, for it, then you think, oh no I don’t have enough money for a fertiliser. Hmmm what do I do? Oh I know I have oilseed radish.

    So I’ll oilseed radish my field, then cultivate it, then reseed it with another crop. Again, seed does cost money, but not too much. I use the Bulk options for seeds.

    And if you have cows, and you have no bales to feed cows, the game Gives you options to buy bales. In bulks, and you can store these in a barn, or shed till the time being.

    ( remember this coming Tuesday a NEW DLC will be out called Precision farming) which will change the game altogether. I hope you do a demonstration on that DLC. And go through in depth how it works. For those maybe struggling.

  9. Something else worth noting is that both the Stara cultivators and the Kuhn Discolander disk harrow are capable to plant oilseed radish as well. Could be useful if you are starting off as a corn/sunflower/soybean farm and only have a planter. If you use one of those implements for your tillage you are able to do the oilseed radish with them without needing a seeder.

  10. Hmm never used oilseed beyond my first play once I saw it wasn’t a ‘harvest crop’ thanks for the info that was very useful. I may use it now once a field requires plowing so I can plot in the radish and gain the bonus state.

  11. OSR comes into its own with seasons, plant in the fall if you plan on a spring crop.

    Also don’t forget you can use the Kuhn cultivator to drill it as you cultivate…..

  12. We plant oilseed with a seeder that also does fertilize we get 1 fert stage, we then cultivate and get a second stage right? But only logical thing to do after is plant a crop, let's say soybeans, but that seeder that also deploys fertilizer wont give us the 3rd stage right after correct? In seasons ofc.

  13. More on topic, I thought there was a small benefit to using it beyond just the fert. state. I think it says 30% increased yield or something like that in the help menu. It's been a while since I have looked there though so maybe that has been changed.

  14. I have an off topic question. There is an option in game for "Periodic plowing required" It states that you have to plow to keep yields high, but I don't ever remember seeing fields go to the red state on the map to indicate they are in need of plowing unless it is a crop that you have to plow in like corn or a root crop. Does this mean I should plow, say my wheat fields every so often even if it doesn't "need plowing" on the map?

  15. What I've been wondering (alas, obviously, being too lazy to try – just wondering) is if a mulch harrow, like the modded AgroMasz, would actually mulch the cover crop into the seed bed. Because, apart from oilseed radish, that bad boy also seeds grass and, most importantly, canola…

  16. Thank ya, sir! I can never decide what crop I want to plant. I have equipment for almost any crop but I can never decide on what to plant. Would you consider a video on what crops you like to plant or realistic crop rotations?


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