Alpine Farming – Erlengrat #1 Farming Simulator 19 Alpine Expansion Timelapse


FS19 Alpine Farming is the first video in the new Erlengrat timelapse series. We start off our new alpine adventure at our new farm in the mountains. Our first task is to tend to our dairy cows before getting to work mowing our large meadow to put into our bunker silo for silage. We also plow in a small field that we’ll use for barley so we can get some straw for bedding and mixing TMR. Once the new field is plowed in we head down into town to buy a new spreader and lime to put on the new field and get it ready for the barley to be planted next time.

Erlengrat is the new map from the Farming Simulator 19 Alpine Farming Expansion, Buy your copy here and help support the channel:

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?Music used under license from Epidemic Sound
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Music by
▶ 1. 00:00 Hallman: New horizon

▶ 2. 03:31 dvine: Forsaken souls

▶ 3. 07:10 Daxten: Right now

▶ 4. 10:00 Dye O: I know you

▶ 5. 13:16 Mefree: You know

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  1. Hey Sim im just wondering of that little trailer you had the little mower on is that just strapping on that mower or is it able to also strap on something like a little tractor or attatchments for your front loader


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