AVANT TO GO CAMPING! NEW MODs (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 22nd March 2021.


AVANT TO GO CAMPING! NEW MODs (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 22nd March 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Avant Series By: ITS, Garden Hose By: grasslandMods, Water Tower
By: FarmAndrei, Barn 26×10 Meters By: Slyclif, Transport Rack Pack For Big Bags
By: JMZ, Grimme Rootster 604 By: BeastKiller, Lizard 1128 By: Tailan/Agro Mods, Lizard GTCR By: Tiik Modding & TLX Camp-IT Pack By: 82Studio.

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  1. Mr SealyP – I am looking for those bags. I used to use them but now reinstalled and can't find them? Any idea what they are called please? I've tried "bag" "big bag" etc and even "genetix" but to no avail? I'm on console. Thanks

  2. Farming Simulator just needs to add in fish to seas , pools and rivers . then the old fishing rod. I'm ok for bait I'll find plenty of sweetcorn in my silo. And plenty of worms in my manure dump . then off for weekend fishing ??

  3. I'm sorry, but there was a little mistake in the AVANT review: you referred to the Strautmann trailer as a ball joint trailer, but that is not true – it is also a pinhitch trailer like the Favorit just with one axle and without a dolly.
    About the Camp-IT not having a sleep trigger: do what every camper does for reducing dirt in the vehicle – throw out your doormat when 'unfolding' for sleep. (And leave it there or leave some deck chairs for reserving your place) 😉

  4. If MIssyB can mod a potato harvester for Wyther Farms where it holds 45,000 liters and not get dinged by GIANTS for it. Like TNT did. I don't see why one cannot be modded to work across all maps. ?? Same should be allowed for smaller sugar beet harvesters… It a game of simulation. The Brand Manufacturers should take a chill pill and relax. Everyone knows in the real world that outrageous equipment does not exist… Its a game.

  5. Those campers are a nice kit. Too bad it won't work as a sleep trigger, but still pretty neat. I suppose it's an issue with being mobile/needing to own land for the trigger, oh well.

  6. MrSealyp,
    The wiring on the barn is the lightning conductor.
    The black bits on the wall are wall anchor to connect wall to the beams on the inside. You see them in the Netherlands on old buildings, even in the form of rosette.
    Great review, thanks

  7. It would be nice. Well awesome it we have a service truck with a water tank an tools to repair an wash equipment out in the fields. Instead of driving or hauling equipment back to repair shop an too wash equipment. Trailer or truck doesn't matter. Thanks . Keep up the awesome work MrSealyp

  8. Great start to the week, MrSealyP, you almost went for a Burton twice already in two separate vehicles!

    Glad to see that Avant pack made it to consoles! It's an interesting pair of skidsteers or kind of mini frontloaders, I had tried the small one briefly on PC as a cheap rented store loader but found even with the highest weight option it had problems lifting a seed pallet (though maybe with that 3-point attached and a regular weight on the back it'll be ok). Nice mod nonetheless though, always good to have some variety!

    I love what 82 Studio did with the Camp-It, especially calling it a "Roleplay Oriented Attachment" in the help info, that made me chuckle. Of the two I think I prefer the trailed one as well, primarily because it reminds me of the classic old British Caravans you used to get stuck behind during the summer months, being towed by woefully underpowered cars. Definitely a handy mod to have as we have a few small sleep triggers that can be plonked down next to it to simulate overnight camping!

    Nice one!

  9. I'm using Greenbale's invisible sleep trigger with the Camp it. Driving to a fixed point with a scenic view or moving it with the camper.

  10. OK I know who there is an old caravan farmhouse sleep trigger mod am I the only one who wants a mobile version of that that you can actually pull with a car because I like the idea of a single wide trailer in the game but I would like it if we could move them and change colors for like a trailer park type of role-play just an idea for the mothers out there

  11. Can someone answer a query i have, what do you mean "slot count will come down to one?" If its already 10 for example how do you get it down? Sorry if its a silly question, play the game alot but not heard of this until recently in your videos but have I missed a trick somewhere? Great videos btw, your map tours are by far the best on YouTube, I now do not watch any other videos except yours on fs19.

  12. you can get a sleep trigger that is just a door mat. so you could drive the camper were you want and place a door mat in front of it to get the sleep trigger 🙂

  13. If it’s by ITS then we know it’s good ??
    That would be the obvious thing to include in the next version of FS if sleep triggers becomes mobile. A Camp-It with built in sleep trigger.

  14. G8 mod review the lizard tractor sounded good is it me or are they looking like big buds can't believe u nearly tipped over 2 vehicles in 1 mod review I thought I was the only one who tipped over machines

  15. Dam that avant 750 suposed to have closed cabin and its bit larder in real life … Interior looks bout rigth and avant gots lots more atachment i hope they make them all……its realy versatile in real life

  16. Thanks for this vid. Avant skids were nicknamed “Kermits” in my farm. But one question; has it often happened you almost tip over twice in same mod review? ??

  17. From what I gather mobile sleep triggers are nearly impossible to get to work on pc let alone console. It seems like they cause the game to crash. 82 studio in collaboration with lanciboi are working on a nice placeable sleep trigger.

  18. VF posted about AGCO family tractors said the white and Gleaner brand can come to console also versatile do to new Holland. So nothing is known about Allis Chalmers tho it's in the name that makes AGCO? So maybe an agco Allis or Deutz Allis Oliver MM new idea. Oh the possibilities. Finhers crossed cause if a moder would be so brave I know more Americans would play if these brands are in the console game.

  19. This is a Engesa, that brand build Tanks and APCs to the army… They have famous veichles like the EE-T1(a MBT) and the Cascavel… I think this tractor use a Tank engine…probaly a good thing…


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