Well this is crazy! I bought me an abandoned Lamborghini and put some massive tires on it! I decided to go for a casual drive, whelp this happened… Enjoy, your favorite videos are here! Relax and watch fully.
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They just made this into GTA, so I decided to get into FS19 Baby!!! Like and subscribe
Ian I watched the video of you and spencer
You copied Elaimp
link to map pls
i need this i have to many trucks
I got arrested for geting a bachelor an rideinh it on road a n It was legal
chow will steal the golden cow
Can you please make a jack the Bugatti Veyron for Leslie
You should make a 6×6 monster truck
Never mind
Please tell me the games name
Is the giveaway for xbox or pc I hope it's xbox because I love watching this game but I'd love to play
i do not have fs19
i tried to join discord but it will not let me
hi and keep making awesome vids man
Keep doing the videos
I liked subed and turned on post notifications! And great vid I would like to win the fs19 with all the mods pls
Go mudding with It
Love the vids
Aren’t the cheapest lambos like 210k good deal
It doesn’t have twin turbos it has twin turbskies
i was the 1000th comment!!!!!!!!!! Ian that blue truck in all white like everything in white and the street fuel anthems look soo cool!!!
Hey Ian I think you should open the power sports store and make a Bugatti la votire noire
More like this please ??
Love the vids!
Like your videos
Is the workshop a public mod?
Best videos
What’s up ian
where did you get the shop
ushould play offroad outlaws ur the best youtuber i watch u and jake aka theformalpickel are the bast have a good day and stay safe and hi people
What is that
Want to
I lobe it
Mabey but duels on it
I am not coffee Fortnite
Make atv delership
Good job on the vid love your vids they are amazing keep up the good work man
This how many times he said power store
That’s a lamb Evo
Play crossout it is a fun game
Love your vids
Is the shop public
I like your vids
Love the vids keep up the good work man!
Chow rolling up to work be like
hey bro why is this Lamborghini soooooooo huge
Great video Ian!