EARLY ACCESS "Mclean County" New Mod Map Tour in Farming Simulator 19


EARLY ACCESS NEW MOD MAP FOR FARMING SIMULATOR 19!!! This is a tour of the new mod map in Farming simulator 19 called Mclean County. This map was created by Mrtbone39 and the Shanty Boys Map Creations.

Map created by: Mrtbone39 and the Shanty Boys Map Creations
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  1. The map is a re-design of Ravenport, isn't it? Lots of field are the same shape and location as on Ravenport. Not saying that this is abad thing, it just looks like it to me.
    For a classic American map you need to change the semi truck and trailer to an American model ?

  2. Very nice looking map, very scenic. I like those bright colours, but i think water is bit too bright and too crystal clear for a farm land. Looks more like exotic paradise island. What i don't like are those packages of land You can buy. I prefer to buy fields separatly. And what i saw there no silos on this map?

    I think on my gameplay on this map i will "rebrand" Farmer Cop Police station for F11 Patrol Headquarters 🙂

  3. That's awesome looking map, seems those bridges need another board in the center, you know how the hired farmers are…lol… And may have change your name to ditch farmer….?…. ?

  4. Thank you Farmer Cop for the map tour and a big thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments. Mrtbone did an awesome job designing the map.

  5. Great tour Farmer Cop. Thank you Shanty Boys for the support. This is a great first farming map mrtbone. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.

  6. Hey farmer cop thank for what you do on your job much respect for all men & women like you. awesome looking map… very good job from Shantyboys


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