“ERLENGRAT” ALPINE FARMING EXPANSION / DLC / MAP TOUR (Review) CONSOLE Farming Simulator 19 PS4 FS19. Map by: GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What do you start with on New Farmer? What do you start with in Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes? How many slots does it use? What features stand out? All these questions and more, answered with me… MrSealyp.

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  1. I’m not able to sale our buy animals at all on this map. I have no idea what’s going on and it’s irritating, luckily I’m not the only one having issues with it. What irritates me about it is I really love this map but not being able to sale and buy animals irritates me

  2. Them oak like trees are a pain in the ass for making wood chips. There isn't really anything else to do with them though so it is what it is. Alot of chain saw work because they are not supported with the self propelled processors and even the John Deere 959MH which is the largest still doesn't process them. I really like the evergreen pines though because of their size and straight as can be.

  3. I just purchased the pack and started on farm manager. I wanted to buy a sheep pen but it wouldnt open the animalpens tab. Does anyone else have this problem?

  4. Help please, I’ve just done a harvest contract which used the train. Loaded the total harvest on the train and didn’t receive any additional money. €4K for an hours work. Is this how it should be??? Thanks ?

  5. Don't know if it has been touched on here, but it looks like Giants may have got rid of that weird circle draw distance thingy. Haven't played the dlc yet, but from the video it looks like the draw distance has been increased.
    Don't think I'll be purchasing this dlc, as I have to admit I would rather watch your let's plays than actually play the game. ???
    Keep up the good work mate, looking forward to your future content.

  6. What would be awesome is if they had it to where your Felsbrun and Erlengrat save games were linked together. And you could take the train to Felsbrun and then it would stop and load your other save game, where you can then stop and visit your other farm lands. Then you could resource share between save games/maps!! There's an idea for FS21!!!

  7. Great map tour thank you ?. Just one question, did you try using the animal dialogue to buy / sell cows? On my PS4 it doesn’t work and disables jumping or crouching when walking etc. If you then drive to the shop, the workshop icon no longer works. I have tried this with and without mods installed on fresh saves. Happens all the time. Just wondered if anyone else found it?

  8. I am absolutely in love with that electric tractor!! I don't know what it is about it, I just hooked up a 30hp 5m harrow on the back and ran around the town doing cultivating contracts including on the big fields, and it was a fun, enjoyable experience for something that's usually so monotonous with something so small.

    Just love it!!

  9. I'm just now getting into this update. Up until now I've never owned cows. I have focused on crops, sheep and horses. I'm excited to make cows my main area of focus on this map!!! Love the look of the new equipment, the electric options and the scenery!

  10. About the Farm house: I think it is one of those weird slot eating buildings like the original 72 slot bunker silo on one of A.J.'s maps. I assume 38 slots is for the first instance and (only if you were able to add more than one Farm house -> Multiplayer) 16 slots for EVERY subsequent one – but there is nothing about that farm house justifying that amount of slots!!! You can't even go inside, as with all of the other Giants farm houses.
    About the 'missing' delay when you sell sth. via train to Felsbrunn was just because the map border is so close to the jump out point. If I remember correctly then on FS15 you also got payed the moment the train left the map (at least on Sosnovka when you sold wood with the train) – the delay was because you sent the train off from the other side of the map and it just lasted that bit for the train to travel from where you sent it off to the point where it left the map. But I get your point – It would have been great if you see the train dissappear then the message box comes up and after a while that train crosses the big bridge in the background, where also a train is running regularily but when THAT (bridge train) leaves the scenery you then would get payed.

  11. On Xbox One after cleaning up after the cows you can't dump the stuff you scooped up back into the toughs. It says operation not allowed. What do you do with the stuff in the bucket? In other farms you could just put it back into the trough. Not on the Alpine map for the Premium version.

  12. Playing on Xbox One and can't complete any contracts that go to Felsbrunn Grain. When you load the crops you harvested for the owner and send the train, it goes to Felsbrunn like normal but does not let you deliver anything. The contract has to be cancelled and then you get docked for all the lost grain. Has anyone else had that issue?

  13. Think it looks great but so much they could have done. I got it on season pass and looked but not one I would play. But a great tour thanks Mr P

  14. That BUhrer is worth the price of the DLC ! really cool. it does have stunning views ! There was a Clint Eastwood movie set in a place like this. He was a hit man and a mountain climber , in "THE EIGER SANCTION" . Looks were like this. Great film. I wish the train would work like on Felsbrunn. sad. Farm dog doesn't like it either!!LOL ! Great review! Cool map.

  15. Maybe they knew you were coming so they just left that sign down so they wouldn’t have to put it up twice!! Lol great map tour as always.

  16. I wasn’t going to try this but your video out of all the ones I’ve watched has convinced me.
    Question though. Do you know of any console mods that I can use to store all my manure and slurry that helpers can pull from?

  17. Looks nice but it is a no from me! I’m not parting with £16 when there are so many mod maps available for free (and in my opinion a lot better than this one) I know plenty people will enjoy it but the only thing it makes me want to do is grab a bar of Milka ?! ?


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