I Spent 10 Years on Western Wild Trying to Make $10 Million | Supercut | Farming Simulator 22


The Western Wilds SUPERcut, The first half of our playthrough trying to make $10 Million in 10 Years starting from next to scratch! Second Half Coming Soon!

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  1. In start from scratch mode with start from zero the loan option should be disabled! Loans are cheating, do contracts! Or you would just get a massive loan buy a big field and machinery and be done with the game in 6 hours! Just takes the fun out of actually building a farm from scratch.

  2. I'd love to do a Survival Mode. But I have no self control or foresight. I plant cotton and then realise I'm 200k short of a Cotton picker and just dip on a F12 fix

  3. Start with nothing, ad 2:09 we can see sold vehicles 356532. ??
    And you didn't scroll down so we couldn't see what you got from that money. Ow the mower didn't work, you know what that means I need to borrow money. Yha where the 350k whent then. Nice playd. ??

  4. Great content, but it was an absolute mess in the start. Why start with the chainsaw? You should start a bit in debt for land purchase as well. Also, why didn't you just lease the attachments? ??


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