New Equipment, Patch 1.4, & Problems Loading! | Farming Simulator 22


New Equipment, Patch 1 4, & Problems Loading!
FS22 Modhub –

0:00 – Intro
0:09 – Overview
0:24 – CLAAS XERION 5000-4000
3:08 – Jungheinrich ETV 216 i
4:04 – Salek Overview
4:31 – Salek MUL-1000
4:46 – Salek ANS-1900
5:08 – Salek AKP-122
5:48 – Salek TB-100
6:09 – Salek PN2-300
6:28 – Update 1.4 Patch Notes
7:49- Problems Loading
8:18 – Outro

#FarmingSimulator #NewMods #ModReview


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  1. Update 1.4 is out, and can be downloaded from The Giants Website, Steam, Epic, Xbox, and PlayStation. There are some problems with loading on PC though. I will post any mods that have been found here throughout the day once those lists start to come in! Precision Farming is also out, and I'm working on a first look video for that now! That video will be out later today.

    Giants have said “We have identified the cause of an issue with scriptmods in Patch 1.4 and will deploy a hotfix as quickly as possible.”

  2. After I installed update 1.4 the game will not load for more than a few seconds of the update screen and then close. What is the best course of action to fix it?

  3. Nice im moveing from roblox to fs22 just cause its beter it made me want to move to that game cause of the new update its crazy how it went until fs01 terrible grqphycs to this juet wow good job farming simulator 22

  4. Ever since I did the update Tuesday and downloaded the precision farming mod, my crops won’t grow. I have done a years worth of sleep cycles and they just do not grow. Anyone else having this issue?

  5. Man…. One of the reasons I liked the xerion so much was changeing the driving direction, looses so much of its uniqueness….. Leased it the other day to do a test drive and I'm not seeing the option…. Am I missing something?

  6. I wish I would've seen this video yesterday! I was working on trying to get my server back up for hours, sending in tech support tickets with my server host, trying everything possible on my end, etc. I was about ready to cancel my server host subscription and try another provider.. thanks to your videos I can now wait (somewhat) patiently for a hotfix. Thanks!!

  7. After this update the game became unplayable for all my friends and myself. Seeders and planters won't load and the game crashes constantly… Im kind of tired of these poor releases happening after you pay real money for this stuff…. ?

  8. For me my saved game stop loading at 50% and that was all of my saved games. After about an hour the one mod I found that caused it to this was “Enhanced Fill Type Categories “, I my self have confirmed this by the saved games that wouldn’t load now load with no problems. I hope this helps.

  9. Well you can throw the one that overrides the speed limit for tools on the list and repair and paint settings won't prevent your game from loading but with it enabled nothing loads in the shop anymore and freezes the game if you buy something anyway.

  10. I’m on PS5 and I’m experiencing issues from the new patch. I can’t attach the Draper headers to the back of the combine, a tractor, or anything that had the proper hitch.

  11. I've been having lots and lots of AI trouble. They farm the neighbor's field and jump a 100 ft grass strip to get the neighbor's field done. Anyone else having this problem? I'm on PS4 and get the regular updates put on. Mostly it seems the problem started after alot of the new maps started showing up. But it still happens on the 3 base games also

  12. Im on ps4. I cant buy pallets anymore. Wanted to do a seeding contract but nope.. closed the game and will wait for the next update. Fs22 is much more problematic then fs19 in my opinion..


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