NEW MODS | ABSOLUTE SHEDS! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 23rd Feb 2021.


NEW MODS | ABSOLUTE SHEDS! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 23rd Feb 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Seasons GEO: Bavaria By: Zed84, Water Tap By: Vergamini Modding/Lostgamer, Shed By: KxuyLS, Open Shed By: Majkeloo, Metal Shed By: FS15_Mapping, Medium Polish Barn + Polish Barn Made Of Hollow Bricks By: Rafal5211, Medium Pig Shed By: gamerhzsFSH, Small Grain Silo By: Didek96, Gas Station By: Edge Gaming, Pusher Fork By: FredModding & UB11 By: DMGmodding.

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  1. Great Video my friend 🙂 I installed that Small Silo yesterday and really like. It will be a great silo to aim for all my Survival Challenges. Just put it down yesterday on No Man's Land. Took a bit to figure it out because I didn't get your video watched until now, but it works good. I just need to get enough money now to buy the extension too. Thank you for all you do for the FS Community. Have a great one…. RustyMoney 🙂

  2. Fuel tank expensive $24.99 ? is that a litre of gallon very good mod review glad yor still around after new lets play will we be getting black or grey market mods

  3. To Eureka Farms Update:

    TNTmodding via FB:

    To clear things up it is giants policy for modders that they do not make unrealistic mods for the console. However that is spelled out by the manufacturer and giants is unknown and between them. This is something in the modding guidelines that giants posts. Again I will repeat myself. This is not a political or legal page and such matters will not be discussed. Thank you.

  4. What exactly do giants do when they test mods? Because they seem to miss a lot, they don't realise maps have modded machinery, they don't realise that triggers are missing from some mods, they don't realise when twin axle trailers start wobbling all over the place at above 20mph. What the hell Giants? If you're going to get funny about a few unrealistic additions to a map don't release it in the first place. I don't actually play eureka farms but it does annoy me when mods are released broken, giants mod testing appears to be a waste of time.

  5. 2 thumbs up to TNT Modding…..sorry GIANTS gave you a time out. Love the modded map (Eureka). It breaks up the monotony of watching a harvester at 6 miles an hour plus many more fun things to play with.

  6. A veritable shed load of mods today one might say, MrSealyP?! ?. And there are some very nice looking ones in the bunch too, love the detail on this Polish barns and especially the normal brick one that has the pattern of gaps in the brickwork on the side walls presumably to aid in air flow (I noticed the daylight coming in when you turned off the inside lights).

    Also great to see TNT is back on the ModHub now too!

    Cheers for today's mod review mate!

  7. Could giants not put a disclaimer on certain maps, being like caution unrealistic map
    And limit how many maps that are allowed to be released to 1 every 3+ months? Or is it a license thing?

  8. MrSealyp,
    ?The modder should have given a warning in the changelog that before you update the Michieletto AM 19, when you use one, that you have to sell that one.
    I had to buy a new one €70.000. The "old" one was vaporised after the update.
    Lot of work to to earn that money back.. ? ? ?

    Thanks for the great Mod review.

  9. Question for all. with slots do you use many moded sheds or placeables like grills flash light Easter egg ? ect on your farm?
    I will Say I have used a few moded huge sheds. But I don't have any play around placeables.

  10. Think its time for Giants to listen to their customers. WE WANT OUR UNREALISTIC MODS. That's why people keep on making them. If they want to remove mods like these on console, then its time for them to prevent them from being created for PC's.


  11. the gas station gives gas and free water does it give free air as well hahahahha reminds me of when i was a kid taking the bike to gas station to fill tires then as i grew up noticed they started charging for water and air even the 7/11 has a credit card thing on the air and water dispenser now sheeesh

  12. Could you explain more about modders being scolded from making unrealistic mods. I'm surprised because there have been sooo many I never imagined there would be a problem with them

  13. Thanks mr SealyP ??
    It’s a shame about the unrealistic (fun) additions being removed, I get why, but I’m very disappointed with the brands.
    I guess the brands and console manufacturers don’t understand fun anymore, that’s a huge loss for gamers on console.
    Time for a new PC, I’ve been struggling to support Sony this time round as PS4 showed their limitations when it comes to mod’s and I don’t feel ps5 will improve by any worthwhile margin at this point.
    I’m hoping Microsoft like before will be willing to do more with mod’s and this time giants decide to let Xbox have more, it’s not ideal but it would at least force Sony to think about mod ‘s a bit more.


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