NEW MODS | MAGIC WOOL PALLET! | (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 12th Jan 2021.


NEW MODS | MAGIC WOOL PALLET! | (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 12th Jan 2021. Modhub. PS5. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Old Fuel Tank By: gamerhzs, Diesel Tanks By: JJ, Placeable Buying Stations + Placeable Fillable Silos By: McKnightG, RTK Station Small By: OmaTana, Pallet Lattice Box By: CaveModding, Lomma ZDK 1802 By: VertexDezign, Kuhn FB 3135
By: Rolnik410 Farmerls, Old Sheds For Bales By: Cisek, Metal Sheds Pack
By: ORModding, Modern Polish House By: Pawelk20, Grimme GH4 By: Hadrien, Düvelsdorf Transportbox HD By: Bayern-Agrar, Noah1735_ls, Case IH Puma CVX Tier 3 By: STv-Modding, Massey Ferguson 135 By: PeterJ, John Deere 4500
By: MefiuFs & Wool Pallet By: MISSYB.

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  1. What a world we live in, you can't even pronounce the name of agricultural machinery incase it offends a snowflake. Its called context millennials.

  2. This fall I bought a Ford 335 industrial loader tractor for my real farm. I know some people don't like the small tractors in FS but I love them because that is what I use everyday.

  3. Blimey, the Rambo Lambo LM002 – I'd forgotten it existed until you mentioned it, remember seeing it in my Panini sticker album from the 70s!

  4. Thanks Mrsealyp. Got my own MF135 outside in the yard and i must say the detailing is spot on. Been waiting for this since first seeing it on Daggerwins Survival Roleplay series.

  5. I dont think you have to worry about "practicing" with weeds. I love the idea, but I haven't used them since the one time I cleared a field with my weeder, and then the hour ticked over and the whole map was covered in weeds, including the field I had just cleared…. if they were implemented differently, they'd be worth getting used to. As they are now though, no thanks.

  6. The Lambo LM001 and LM002 really does have similar body lines as the John Deere telehandler. I'm remembering the Lambo driving through vast fields of grass in the movie "Toys" with Robin Williams.

  7. Did I not say that yesterday's 3 metre subsoiler was a harbinger of good fortune for this year's mods?! Well not in those exact words but yeah, so today we have an amazing 3M weeder to add to the collection, nice!! MissyB's magic wool box has some real potential too, especially useful for console players I'd imagine given bale lag issues and great for massive flocks on Eureka Farms type maps too.

    Also that Massey is a really nice looking tractor, definitely grabbing that for my collection of older machinery! I've been itching to start a pioneer play using just older equipment.

    Nice one, MrSealyP!!

  8. That MF 135 brings back such memories of growing up on the family farm. Open tractors like that were standard. My Dad had 2000 acres, growing cereal crops and wool. I spent days and days, out there in the sun, with a big hat on.
    The Case 230 looks and sounds amazing. But I have a complaint, the standard of modding has come a long way, so why do most vehicles in FS19 still have that dinky, child's toy horn sound?
    I always run weeds, because real farms have weeds. It's the weeders that annoy me, so I spray the weeds.

  9. Another great mod review ? the wool pallet is amazing, would be great if we could have an egg pallet with similar capacity, nudge nudge wink wink ?

  10. Massy 's Multi Power was/is a gearbox splitter operated by a small lever which changed a gear without the clutch.Within the gearbox a extra gear gets moved about hydraulicly effectively turning a six speed transmission into a twelve ?

  11. Remember driving these when I was a lad. One thing I remember about these is that if you lost the key you could use the key from a Fray Bentos corn beef tin would start the tractor easily.

  12. the john deere loader is the same design as a matbro telehandelar they both looked identical and the reach was only 7mts hence why short boom reach i only know this as we had the matbro version and a neighbouring farmer had the john deere version

  13. Unfortunately I’ve given up with this game. I have no more room to download anything on console. Have to stay deleting mods just to update any map I had. Has gotten a little annoying.


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