NEW MODS (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 | 6th May 2021.


NEW MODS (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 | 6th May 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Ice Cream By: Michal6920, Brick By: Jelonek, American Richport House
By: Cat Modding/WhiteBull Modding, Large Capacity Steel Silos By: erShaba (VSR Modding Sur), Coupling of Toothed Harrows By: R Mihail, Kverneland Optima V For ALL In-Game Crops By: ARX Modding, DMI MetalWorX HFP 23 By: Dutch Modding Incorporated (Beunheas, JD7530-Chris) & John Deere 6000 Series By: JDManu96/Black eyes modding.

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  1. i dont think American Richport House has a sleep trigger,i presume its decorative and gives the player to add a sleep trigger in game

  2. Anyone else still waiting for a precision farming scanner so that all fields can be automatically scanned or even one with a bigger radius doing my head in

  3. Sometimes I think people forget, or perhaps just don't realise, the value of some of these decorative or seemingly nonsense mods to content creators like MrSealyP, Daggerwin and others. Yes they may not serve a purpose in general gameplay like a cultivator or tractor would for most people, but for YouTubers and such they are props for narrative and story telling aids that help add a little depth.

    Even the ice lollie from today, couple that with a well placed ice-cream cart from AlienJim and suddenly a hot, sweaty summer's day has an unexpected pleasant interlude while delivering eggs to Mrs Holland at the Six Ashes post office.

  4. That JD is awful nearly as bad as the 7920/30 the interior is a mess the back wheels aren't central and it's got the sound of someone farting down a cardboard tube we had a real one on the farm 6900 it was a great tractor but this for me was really disappointing to see one in game like this.

  5. Ice blocks, really, come on Giants this is your game your letting down, why are you wasting time on these mods when you could be testing mods that actually have something to do with Farming Simulator. Its starting to become a trend these days seeing useless mods. 3m cultivator's, Destruction Company, Ice blocks the list goes on.

  6. Some things are just unnecessary. They are putting out . Need to focus on major equipment for us in the farming world. Fix equipment that causes our maps from crashing. As well.

  7. hamer down that like button .MrSealyp the like button is Smashed and broken in miljoen pieces !
    the Jd shift only once from first gear to last gear , some have over 60 gears hi 1,2.3.4,5,6 , low 1,2,3,4,5,6/

  8. DJ dont like ice cream. Lol i had to flip him grief lol

    The door wasnt squished to fit, whats supposed to be the center of the door is on the hinge, both sides are on the latch side…. Mis-rendered the door

  9. Something badly wrong with the john deere tractor, tried it out on the hills of Italy map on the steep hill leading to the store. I was using the 110 bhp version and was at full speed at the approach of the hill and as it started to climb the speed suddenly dropped from 26 mph to 5. Tried the little Massey with only 75 bhp and she had bags of power and climbed easily.


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