NEW MODS | THE BEAST and more! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 26th March 2021.


NEW MODS | THE BEAST and more! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 26th March 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Cobblestone By: ikas, Mushrooms By: BartsoNv3, US Hay Silo By: ajFarmer, Manure Storage Pack By: Kacper, Tin Barn By: Polisch Pawelk20, Pack Of Brazilian Warehouses By: FBT Modding, Cowshed 3+3 By: [DMI]20mmNormandy, Wilson Pacesetter Spread Axle By: Whiskey Sierra Modding, Tatra Phoenix L Crane
By: HR Forst und Fahrzeugbau, Maitre Pack By: Nico Pix/Nico Du 55, Sip Spady 3k12 By: WOLFex Modding, Magsi Interface By: EquipeModding, Fortschritt B-352
By: AAA modding & Lizard The Beast 1000 By: Agro Tonho.

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  1. I like the author's cowsheds, and I especially appreciate on this one its central access and its height that allows the use of elevating trailers with ease, something that made me withdraw its use, is the access to the straw deposit and collect manure that I personally find ridiculous, and not practical, I do not use small Skidders as a rule and the use of removing all the manure would be painful, and the door is too narrow which makes the use of the stable too boring and not practical. Triggers must be reviewed when accessing straw / manure and that door too. cheers

  2. The dump trailer with the pivoting lights is known as a rolling dump trailer. My brother in law has one. Its so the leveler/roller can see your brake lights if your dumping and moving forward. Common in the paving industry.

  3. Nice vid Sealyp. getting a bit fed up with these modders resurrecting the old 'daily upkeep' or so much per day. That is so 2017 and we are so used to seeing it, we don't mind. It does not belong here in 2019 and seeing that midnight bill for stupid amounts rolling round is really getting pathetic. £10 a day for that tin shed? Madness. I refuse any mod that has a price per day. We upkeep as we go now, NOT at midnight! It's no skin off their nose, so why they do it?

  4. Love that Cow barn. Wonder if anyone will ever make a sheep barn similar to this. A lot of the farms I know of in Britain have sheep barns especially in recent lambing season.

    Although quite a bit of the time it's a long shed with an aisle on one side for the tractor. Would be a fantastic addition.

  5. @MrSealyp the pacesetter has steering on the rear axel for me i'm on pc just want you to let you know, and thank you so much for all the great content i really enjoy it even when i'm not on console.

  6. The last days i have been extra careful to see if you appeared on my SUBSCRIPTION list and you do, I do not have the bell thing .. but if you want me to ill try it out … keep farming sir hehe

  7. Thumb's up as normal. Only thing wrong with the review was people put dislike on. Still don't get why though as it's a review showing us .you never made them. everywhere these days. just to say they don't like a mod or if somethings wrong with it. .To them who hates. Post your comments no shame for dislike mods or the channel we are all different some may like
    others will dislike
    some even the same as others
    Share your views than hide and dislike.thank you for reading this far?

  8. Yes I stuck with you until the end ;-), Thanks for your reviews. Like others say in the comments; it saves a lot of time. If you see a mod placed in the game it's much easier to decide if it's of any use for you. A picture on the ModHub is easily dismissed as boring. I do have a wish for map reviews though; could you show the ground textures or at least tell if there's anything special about them? Like shrubs, flowers, dynamic mud.

  9. Hello MrSealyp i dont know if there is a button on console that do the same as F5 on pc do….but if there is you can see all trikker points if you activate this button.

  10. A nice batch of mods to take us into the weekend! No doubt the shed enthusiasts out there will be quite happy, both the Tin Barn and Brazilian Warehouses pack look really nice. Though I could swear it looked like the Tin Barn was ever so slightly floating, might just be a quirk of the No Man's Land map though as I've had that with other things too.

    Nice Maitre trailer pack too, I do like we get a brand pack like that with a few different trailers and tools. And of course The Beast! That's a well nice looking little ATV, good selection of features and not too spendy either so it'll be quite the handy utility vehicle I bet!

    Cheers for the mod review, MrSealyP, and all that you do!

  11. You were in the right spot for the straw but you have to use a straw shredder to blow it up high toward the upper wall. A pic of its location is shown on the mod hub.


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