Old Farm tractors and equipment pack | FS22 NEW Modpack | Farming Simulator 22


New Farming Simulator 22 video. Today, we work in old farm and we use a new modpack full of old tractors and equipment. A day at the old farm in Farming Simulator 22.

Mod links:
– Kruzewniki Map:
– Old tools pack:
– Ursus C330 sounds:
– Porsche-Diesel Series:

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  1. Telling yer now; Those Renault F4's NEVER had an engine with that much 'throat'. Not Ever!
    I know, cos I used fer t' see 'em on t' road back in t' 70s . . .

    I mean, they had six different engines available an' only one on 'em was ower a litre – 1108cc – coupled with either a 3 or 4 speed gearbox.

  2. greetings, do any of you know of other maps like this where at the beginning of the game you would get old machines and equipment on the map instead of modern ones, I mean machines from 1920 to 1990 years of production, thanks in advance

  3. Witam wszystkich mam do was pytanie. A mianowicie jak zrobić żeby takie stare ciągniki jak np ursus c 360 miał większą moc i żeby mógł np pracować
    z pługiem??

  4. Very nice gears you've presented for us?. I'm planning to make a serie without modern machinery – my problem is get time for that?. Those beauties aren't for those players who want produce quickly and reach the millions mountain.. ? Using them its like to a time travel?! In other constructive hand, you should have chose an open space field to harvest because as you may noticed, you were driving over bushes and trees?.. Another thing, that mower its so old that needs a second worker to operate the mower – it would be fun, if possible, to hire a helper to drive the tractor and you cut the grass. Keep on it bro cause as a follower I have to say that your videos are great and your mods page very usefull. Merci beaucoup???

  5. Existe esse Pack para fs 19?,quero começa minha fazenda jogando no modo difícil e com tratores super pequenos e baratos para sentir o gosto de "crescer" e vira um fazendeiro de sucesso


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