“PORT LIMBO” TREASURE!! FS19 MAP TOUR! | NEW MOD MAP! Farming Simulator 19 (Review).


“PORT LIMBO” TROLL? FS19 MAP TOUR! | NEW MOD MAP! Farming Simulator 19 (Review). PS5. Map by: Oma Tana. New to Console! GIANTS Software. What do you start with on New Farmer? What do you start with in Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes? How many slots does it use? What features stand out? All these questions and more, answered with me… MrSealyp.

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  1. I'm gussing I'm a late comer to this great map as I've only just found it but thank you for the review. In my set of starter equipment I have s fully driveable skidsteer upstairs in the hayloft, can I ask you please does it serve a purpose up there? I'm tempted to sell it but don't want to if it should be there. I fear not being able to get it back up there if I later find that I need it.

  2. Please do a series on this map. Will be very interesting. ?
    Will be on this ASAP as for me it's an nice open map. Not all trees near fields for worker's to get stuck on.
    You'll need your favourite winch truck to recover the fiat ?

  3. Brilliant. Will definitely play this refreshing and open farm territory. The treasures are a great idea for a little lift at the start instead of all that waiting for crops. Great prices and a tongue in cheek sell point that made my day, thanks to you, MrSealyp. Creeping about and getting me worried he would wake! Lol. 1st class review.

  4. this map from Oma Tana.“PORT LIMBO” stunning map I hope it will be on FS 22 as well .
    Oma Tana, you are a genius modder! ? very nice MrSealyp map tour ?

  5. I love this map and would play it if I hadn't uninstalled fs19 ready for 22. Playing staxel atm , graphics some what mine craft but better and plenty of farming animals and expansion just a bit of fun while I wait. Pity though would enjoyed that map lets hope it ports over with the new stuff thumbs up to the Modder and always a thumbs up to mrsealyp for doing an outstanding job.

  6. Happy Tuesday everyone! Welcome to November, & we’re getting closer to FS22 with each new day! 🙂 Many thanks, as always, MrSealyP, for this excellent FS19 mod map review! Thanks OmaTana for all of your great contributions to the FS Community! 🙂

  7. What a wonderful map! Definitely has that Dutch Colonial feel you might get in some north eastern areas of America, really well put together that remains simple and clean in its complexity. Beautiful scenery and backing too, and the troll in the cave is just perfect too!

    Great tour MrSealyP and a wonderful map OmaTana, thankyou both!!

  8. Another great map, another superb review. I just downloaded a new map last night and have already invested a couple hours into it. But it's tempting to abandon it to do this one instead….. Just cuz I wanna see if I can wake the troll up ???


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