SEED SEASON – Chellington Valley Gameplay Episode 3 – Farming Simulator 19


Welcome to my relaxed and limited mod gameplay on Chellington Valley now with seasons. I hope you enjoy the series!

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  1. FC just dont reduce the width of the tool if you input more than 10% overlap! 🙂 i use 0% and always works perfect 🙂 You can set the value of the work hours in CP also if you want. In Advanced configuration of CP you can desable FERT.

  2. There is a glitch on the Chellington map when you take a fertilizing job, using your own equipment wait about 10 seconds job gets completed without doing anything, has anyone else notice this

  3. quick question lads i am new to the game, i am trying to place animal pens buts it will not let me its saying i need to delete some first as i have to many, but i don't actually have any?

  4. Planting temps (I've scienced this one…accidentally) – you can plant seed when the ground temps are too low, and it just sits dormant until the temps get high enough. The risk is that once the seed successfully germinates that the temps could drop too low, resulting in death of the recently germinated seeds (failure to germinate condition). But if the temps stay high then the seeds will grow. I made a huge mistake on Lawfolds (Scottish Geo) planted all of my fields when the calendar said it was good to plant (early spring), then nothing happened until last day of spring when the temps got high enough, so midnight going into early summer, all my fields germinated and were at stage-0 growth that next day – relieved because the crops I planted were not calendared for early summer planting! But all fields were 100% germinated – no failures anywhere!

  5. Love this map, has some issues, with fertilizing contracts, they auto complete but its free money. The gate by the chicken pen to get into the yard is the bane of my existence

  6. Many OxygenDavid maps which were ported from FS17 have ghost consumable fill points – seed, liquid and solid fertilizer – they don't work in FS19, but the decoration is still there and sometimes the fill point markers are too. It's worth checking but I've yet to find any that work – the lime fill stations and fuel points do work though.

    Bales are purchased in store (in the same section as pallets and big bags – it's the other tab at the top).

  7. We are aware that the map was removed from modhub and issues with giants and oxygendavid, please don’t comment about it it’s for them to sort out. Farmer Cop has contacted oxygendavid and has permission to continue the series on his map. We hope that the issue will be sorted and oxygendavid will continue to bring us more amazing maps like this. Thanks all and happy farming 🙂

  8. I don't see a single reason for not using mods in this game, accept the unrealistic and cheaty mods, and you can buy straw in vehicle shop

  9. There won’t be any updates I oxygen David has fell out with giants and said that he feels like he doesn’t want to mod anymore I think there is a lack of communication so it might be back


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