“WARTBURG” NEW MOD MAP! Farming Simulator 19 PS5 MAP TOUR (Review) FS19.


“WARTBURG” NEW MOD MAP! Farming Simulator 19 PS5 MAP TOUR (Review) FS19. Map by: Neroxc. On Console! GIANTS Software. What do you start with on New Farmer? What do you start with in Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes? How many slots does it use? What features stand out? All these questions and more, answered with me… MrSealyp.

Required Mods: – BGA 200KW (By: Kastor / LSMC)
– Half-timbered Building Set (By: VertexDezign)



Instagram: @mrsealyp

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  1. Looks a decent map, especially once updated. Did laugh when you were trying to sell logs by throwing them into the lake.
    Owner comes out "wheres my lumber you promised?"
    Me "you didn't want it dumped in the lake and have fun trying to fish it all out?"

  2. So you buy the biogas plant for 7k and it’s worth 750k to sell ….shouldn’t take long to make some money if you repeat this several times. Looks a nice starter forestry map. if updated of course!

  3. Definitely an interesting map with a lot of potential, but sadly it seems to have some bugs and features that look somewhat.. "unfinished"? I seem to remember we had a Brazilian map last year that had a really nice quarry with lime point, with placeables, decorations and a little landscaping it could be turned into something really nice.

    It is a forestry map for sure but my first thought was more pioneer farming / survival type stuff, clean start with limited stuff and maybe only old equipment only, I saw lots of nice areas to clear for smaller fields.

    As others mentioned it's no longer available on the ModHub so hopefully it's getting another update to fix the pig farm and other placeable related issues.

    Cheers for the tour, MrSealyP!

  4. I can't fathom a map with this many "glitches" gets released but Chellington is removed and Oxy banned from Giants, I'm just lucky I downloaded it before they pulled it

  5. MrSealyp, I have worked out how to use a bucket in cab and to have the bottom of it level.., raise the bucket up high, so that you can see the bottom of the bucket and then very easy to level it off then lower it without tipping it..I can now do it no problem after just a few goes.. the tricky bit is reversing a trailer.. ???

  6. Mr. Sealy P my husband is wanting to know how do you get your bale count to go down once you hit your limit? Because he has sold some at the Silo, and it want let him bale anymore, he also has used bales making TMR. Please let him know, Thanks, Sam Marshall

  7. What a min…. really ….hills and rough ground and you did not pick a land rover Mr Surlyp… well i think that's not cricket is it…
    Love the channel and content.
    Keep up the great work.
    Hope you and family are keeping well and safe..??

  8. I was split with this map it has lots of cool things, but on console as you said we just don't have the flexibility with mods and scripts. With an update it would be very playable. I got lost in the mine last night trying to find all the different tunnels.

  9. Good map tour MrSealyP. Like you say, it will need an update on the update. My recent experience is that it is even worse, most of the maps need multiple updates in a row before the map turns ‘trustworthy’. Better turn back to ‘old’ maps, but then again you face issues with seasons (or precision farming) ?

  10. I have to admit, I saw a new forestry map and all I could think about is getting the NMC dozer with mulcher attached and seeing how long it’d take to clear out an area for farming. GoHam Industries R&D Department from Eureka Farms must be getting to me.
    I wonder if the mine could be filled with lime that needs to be extracted. Same with the quarry. I’m also not sure how that much loose material would affect game performance. I may try it out once I can clear enough storage space to download the map.

    Thanks for another great video.

  11. Sadly you can't fill the underground mine. I tried lol. Reason being you can't buy the peripheral part of map that the mine is under……. I'm hoping for an update that might allow the purchase and use of it


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