How To Use Global Company Part 26 – Oil Extraction Plant – Farming Simulator 19


Tutorial on the basics of using the oil extraction plant.

Global Company Tutorial 1:
Global Company Tutorial 2:
Global Company Tutorial 3:
Global Company Tutorial 4:
Global Company Tutorial 5:
Global Company Tutorial 6:
Global Company Tutorial 7:
Global Company Tutorial 8:
Global Company Tutorial 9:
Global Company Tutorial 10:
Global Company Tutorial 11:
Global Company Tutorial 12:
Global Company Tutorial 13:
Global Company Tutorial 14:
Global Company Tutorial 15:
Global Company Tutorial 16:
Global Company Tutorial 17:
Global Company Tutorial 18:
Global Company Tutorial 19:
Global Company Tutorial 20:
Global Company Tutorial 21:
Global Company Tutorial 22:
Global Company Tutorial 23:
Global Company Tutorial 24:
Global Company Tutorial 25:

Tutorial on Easy Development Commands:

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Oil Extraction Plant:

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  1. I have a global company sawmill and pallet factory, but this factory does not accept those pallets. They are named 'empty pallets'. I would therefore assume that there are other types of pallet. Perhaps you could clear this up. Which specific mod produces the pallets required by this mod?

  2. It could use some better balancing from the start… Did some quick google'ing and found out that you get around 0,7l of sunflower oil per 1kg of seeds. You can change the production ratios /percentage yourself to the 65-75 range in the xml file. Which should be a bit more realistic. 🙂

  3. The prices seemed really good for the oils, until you brought math into it. Curse you and your math, FarmerCop!!

    Probably still worth it. Store all the pallets and wait until a high demand comes along.


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