? Farming Simulator 22 News ? Update 1.2 brings some great quality of life improvements


In this video we take a look at some of the new features in the 1.2 update for Farming Simulator 22 and boy there are a fair number of improvements that where not on the blog post. This video walks you through several of those.

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  1. it's possible I am doing something wrong, but I tried the command to show collectibles and it doesn't seem to be working. I tried gsCollectiblesShowAll, andgsCollectiblesShow All and neither seem to be working. I followed your how to to unlock the dev console thing, but am sure I am doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Found 63 of the collectibles on Elm Creek, none on the French map, and haven't played the Swiss map at all.

  2. Wonder if they will ever program their ai to be able to harvest grapes and olives. It should be possible now that the rows can snap to a fixed width. Hopefully they do this because it's pretty boring after 10 hours of straight line olive harvesting.

  3. Great series, Farmer Klein. Thank you for your work.

    I just discovered a great bonus regarding production factories and in-game contracts. Perhaps you and your viewers are already aware of this, but I haven't watched enough of your videos to know if it has been mentioned, or not.

    If you own a factory, e.g., the Oil Mill, and you then complete a Harvest Contract that requires you to deliver the harvest (whether canola, sunflowers, or olives) to the Oil Mill, the mill, i.e., You, receive 100% of the harvest, not just the 20+% of the bonus harvest, as normal.

    So, for example, today I own the oil mill and completed a harvest contract for sunflowers. It was a very small field, and the total harvest was only 6,900 l. I expected that the first 80% would be delivered to the oil mill but I would not actually "see" it, either as income or whatever. I was hopeful for at least 20% to remain after the contract complete that I could use myself at the oil mill. But 100% of the 6,900 l of sunflowers now appear in the oil mill which I can now process into sunflower oil at 2.5x average cost of sunflowers. The base contract value was approximately $1,200; with the bonus of 100% now being turned into sunflower oil and all for me, that will now be worth 6.9 x the cost of 1,000 l of sunflower oil, or close to $35,000!

    Is this the "Contract bonus yield is too high – enjoy it while it lasts" mentioned in the Giants 1.2 changelog?

  4. I think Giants could’ve done a better job on the option to delete the buildings on each of the farms. Instead of deleting everything at one time, it would’ve been nice to have the option to delete only certain buildings or only certain objects as opposed to all or none.

  5. I got so used to being able to just pick up pallets of eggs by hand…now it takes me 10x as long to load because I have to use a forklift :/

    Here's to hoping the super strength mod comes to console soon. My huge egg farm is gonna be waiting for me to come back until then.

    In the meantime I'm just gonna focus on my forestry farm I guess.

  6. I like what's happening here with the game. This update really shows that giants are listening to the players. The high fuel usage, the lower repair costs, the improved soil comp screen. I love it!

  7. I tried the show all collectibles console command but couldn't get it to work, came back at me with an error message saying command not found, anyone have any ideas? (On the latest patch 1.2 and PC).

  8. Hey I noticed that the collectibles are not on the buildings that we can remove anymore they’ve put them on the ground by those buildings. I was puzzled at first but it makes sense they don’t want people to accidentally delete them.

  9. Anyone else having issues finding the gsCollectibles command? It doesn't find it when I type in partially and auto complete with tab. I can't seem to get that command to run in my game?


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