New Mods & Mod Updates FS22 – Farming Simulator 22
Liebherr TL, NMC Snow Bucket, & Power Pack!
FS22 Modhub –
0:00 – Intro
0:21 – Liebherr TL 436-7
2:23 – Strautmann Tera-Vitesse
3:50 – Fliegl ASS 298
4:46 – Lizard Cultivator
5:44 – KUHN DELTIS 1302
6:32 – Sheds
7:54 – Bale And Vehicle Shelter
9:14 – Garden Lights Pack
9:54 – Water Fountain
10:23 – Massey-Ferguson 8700S
11:32 – Siljum Snow Bucket
12:39 – PowerPack
12:58 – Manual Combine Discharge
13:18 – Outro
#FarmingSimulator #NewMods #ModReview
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New & Update mods are here! I apologize in advance, I'm VERY partial to the Liebherr TL lol
Today's Farm Sim News! Calmsden In Testing, AutoLoad Pallets, Michigan Farms! –
Not sure what happened with the text at the beginning for the PC Mods, but those can be found in the description! ?
Is there a functional door on the second small shed?
Why can’t we have power lift and kenworth trucks
KBOTSUX as a license plate, noice. ?
Is the leibherr 622 crawler loader coming back too fs22?
0:30 What The Bale Doing?
Need the super strength for x box one
We need alot more sheds and garages
Are we getting fliegl or any of the other's for consoles for fs22
The strautmann 50k forage trailer is already in the base game why are people making mods of them and how didn’t you know it’s already in game. All the mods this time round are really bad. They’re bringing in mods from FS17 that were terrible and not bothering with the decent ones from FS19
Dj will there ever be a “power pack” mod for ps5?
I don't know how the Fliegl A** 298 got past Giants ?
Dj, about those sheds, i already have them in-game from oma tana from her American shed pack, so i don't understand how this is possible
Love your reviews. I have a question. Is there a pallet auto load trailer compatible for all platforms??
Why is power pack not in my mod hub on pc
We need US Maps. XL maps. Why there been no maps? Giants turning everything down as usual?
Are there any modders that can come up with a better landscaping tool
Power pack causing in game crashes on my pc….
Love the License Plate HAHA ???
Thank you for all the work it takes to put these update vids together!
Someone needs to make a mod where you can take the train to the edge of the map and you have the option to travel to another map
We need Bleu to re add the 6R US Model with the row crops. That's my legit favorite medium tractor. I'm glad FS22 has US model options but none of the wheel options are correct. No one uses wheel straps in the US its all lugs for duals.
I mean, you could say the name of that trailer. The name refers to Donkey.
Good mod review DJ you would think more would have come through by now keep up the great work ????⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hey Dj. That 2 m cultivator might be a godsend to those of us who fo grades and olives. It is slightly wider than the smaller ones which you had to make two passes between the rows. Now we just need a mulcher that fits.
Will consoles get a power-packed
The power pack would be great on consoles.