New Mods! 72,000L Harvester, 2 New Maps, & TONS MORE! (43 Mods)
New Mods & Updates FS22 – Farming Simulator 22
FS22 Modhub –
Total Mods – 43
All Platforms – 30 New, 5 Updates
PC & Mac – 4 New, 2 Update
0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Mod List
0:50 – The Plantation
2:59 – Arecibo Observatory
5:44 – Lizard Colossus Pack
9:03 – Poettinger Impress 200VCP
10:49 – ISARIA Color And Range Ext
12:20 – MX Pack
16:21 – Farmtech Polycis 1550
17:37 – New Holland Varifeed 30
18:10 – International 37
18:23 – Lizard HFP 23
18:56 – B32D
19:11 – Schoema TST Pack
21:10 – Rear Platform
21:55 – Lizard Agri 5M
22:40 – Lizard ArtM-PTO
23:18 – KR-2.1
23:30 – Lizard Z-229
23:55 – Field Silo
24:40 – Modern Garage
25:55 – Shop
26:38 – Small Wooden Chicken Coop
27:06 – Pack Of Fences
27:42 – Old Grain Storage
28:15 – Farm House
28:32 – Irish Round Shed
28:54 – Bakery
29:23 – Silos 500 PACK
30:20 – Concrete Fence PO-2
31:02 – Urea Production
32:44 – Brick Shed
33:14 – Riverview Farm
33:37 – The Lost Corner
33:45 – Lizard Lz 150
33:59 – Lizard Cultivator 2.5M
34:06 – Composter
34:16 – Greenhills Estate
36:06 – Moi Doff X11
36:33 – Seeds-Fertilizer Storage
37:09 – Small Long Building
37:56 – Production Revamp
38:08 – McCauley Lowloader
38:16 – Outro
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72,600 liters. For real! And it's toothpaste tractor, I mean come on! I have a feeling this will be one of the most downloaded harvesters in FS22…
Check out the first set of Fact Sheets for the Platinum DLC! –
No Farm Sim News Today. There's nothing really going on, and there's no update to the testing list. I'll have another news vid on Saturday or Sunday for you! =)
The bowl was in a James bond movie
hey Dj I cant find the pottinger 200VCPro baler on the modhub
You can kinda make the cat Lexion combine, but it be cool if someone made a full on model of one for Xbox and PlayStation
ive started to realize all lizzard mods are stolen mods from other people that they convert and slap their name on…
Radiotelescope. It is used to see very distant objects in radio spectrum.
Satellites are the ones orbiting Earth.
"Easy to find as well"
Not if you place them on grass! Badum-tsss!
That observatory map is really giving off some Goldeneye vibes. ?
Copped issue with calmsden farm crashing on ps4 mods with mods works laggy but does not crash base game with mods lags then crashes within moments update needed esp with heavenly modded map on ps4
Great video
We use urea for nitrogen on our farm in Australia
Nice mods but that combine… an ugly Claas ripoff branded with the ugliest brand name ever (Lizard ?). And the capacity? Not really something for a farm sim. Why does Giants accepts such a monstrosity? ? Lot’s of great modders that made some beautiful combines and now this thing. Giving it color options and increase the capacity is a 5 minute job. Accepting this mod on the modhub is a slap in the face of actual modders.
the lizard colossus should of been a class instead it’s just a copy and paste of a class ??
Great job on the mod video I enjoyed it and toothpaste alert
????? toothpaste tractor LETS GOOOO!
All I can think of that Puerto Rico map is battlefield 3, and 4
Thank you for the Arecibo Map Prewiev ^^
Don't worry DJ, i'm truck driver here in the UK. Nobody says Man, its always M.A.N
Started a new farm in elm creek due to my other saved game for Frankenmuth Mi. Won’t load past 85 percent. I’ve been working on that map for a couple months now, definitely pissed. This new harvester will be a great edition.
Urea is also used in the production of DEF
Another day of very mediocre, repetitive, and duplicated mods.
Lots of mods, not one that impressed me. Geez
Urea is a form of solid fertilizer, haul it in a hopper from time to time. It's usually white like the solid fertilizer already in game
Mods started dropping at like 5 am this morning, they started so early
Anybody else noticed custom moddibg headers. The scroll or spinning parts don't line up
I'm waiting for another nevada based map with 51 areas…. alien Jim had one on 19 I'd love to see again
Heads up dj ARECIBO is spelled (aresibo)
but don't worry Spanish spelling is a bit wonky
that 37 disc is the one 3 meter thing thats good
That big satalight was ina a James Bond movie (can’t remember which one )
Glad someone likes this kind of thing. I don't understand playing something that is called a simulator but using things that are not at all realistic.
@DJ PRONOUNCED (Ur Ree A) lol Nice video
anyone heard anything about JHHG Moddings J&M Grain Storm recently?
I totally love that harvester awesome 72,000L but it empties super fast probably only harvester I will ever need again
Now you need to tooth paste combine button
DJ you didn't do the toothpaste tractor meme lol
Colossus, hmmm claas in different skin !!!
The toothpaste color looks cool
Woke up at 5:30am and all the mods woohoo gonna be a very good day yes yes love it ?
Hi dj ??
DJ why did you use real toothpaste you could have bought a paint that had the same colorXD
What happened to the testing list today
Dose anyone else get the Bond James Bond feel from the one map ?
Now I'll brush my teeth more
The actual Arecibo dish was raised above the ground so you could drive in a spiral under the dish,.
Dj the pottinger impress doesn’t work any tips plz help?