NF Marsch 4 Fach Mega Farm Savegame v1.1
NF Marsh 4-Fold Savegame Mega Farm
Version 1.1.0
Savegame Expansion
Complete Mod Pack Available Now
Savegame for MEGA Farm NF Marsh 4-Fold
The savegame is for the MEGA Farm NF Marsh 4-Fold
The North Frisian Marsh 4-Fold with Ditches
Additionally, the following has been adapted for the MEGA Farm savegame:
All silos and purchasing silos on the farm
Many productions on the farm grounds
BGA and 3x bunker silos
Two cowsheds
Chicken coop
Currently, available productions (seed production, fertilizer production, lime production, fermenter, grain converter, composter).
Author: Yves1234