Ural 6370K Selkhoznik V1.0


Ural 6370K Selkhoznik V1.0

The converted war was modified by the Ural-6370K.

Typices of a modified Vercy:
– powerful engine 422 l.C.
– McCimal Speed to compare 100 km/h
– the volume of Kyzov from 15400 to 23100 liters
– the fuel tank captures 500 liters
– it is possible to choose the design of the transportion sires
– options for the outskirts of the cabin and KZOV according to the binning of the user
– Svyk of the engine and the CONTRICTS CONTRACT COMPENTS The attacker for connecting sight

The authors of the original: SDK, Melmax, Serega_56 Convert fs 22 Thekiselevplay_yt,

Author: MikeChe, SDK, MelMax, Serega_56, TheKiselevPlay_yt


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