Corn Harvest Problems | Middleburgh Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 47


Hey there, welcome to Middleburgh for Farming Simulator 22. This let’s play series will be focused on making whisky, beer, and wine with productions as well as working with animals. I am starting at the new farmer farm location and hope to move to a larger farm as the series progresses. With the small to medium sized fields, I intend to keep the equipment relevant and not use anything too big.

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? PC Specs
Intel i7-9700K CPU @ 3.6 GHz
32GB RAM 3000 Mhz
Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Pro Motherboard
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 TI Graphics Card
500 GB Western Digital Black SN750 NVMe SSD (System)
1 TB Western Digital Black SN750 NVMe SSD (Storage)
2 TB Western Digital USB 3.0 External (Archive)

? Music:
Epidemic Sound
YouTube Audio Library

#farmingsimulator22 #fs22 #mightymikefarms



  1. And just a question when you enable auto drive and open the map. If you select NO to the auto course and make your own it will run smoother how ever if you say YES then DON'T record on top of the pre set course just record up to it then connect the node follow it to the destination and start record again and connect it in and that's it if you try to record over the top of what is set the computer gets confused. Because it sees both the pre set and the new one you made. I say no and just make my own and so far very little problems hope that helps

  2. I think that your paths cross right in front of the truck could cause him to leave, I've had issues with that or maybe its not set on continuous loop? I'm still learning AD got some good help from your tutorials lol

  3. Hi, Mike . i see your still having lag yet. I am not getting lag on my game play of Middleburgh. I have almost 450 hrs so far and my pc is laptop
    with a RTX 2070. have fun and play on.

  4. Also if you want to double stack on that trailer or any trailer go to the xml of what ever trailer you want make the fill unit double the amount and add updatemass="false" just like this and it will make the weight 0 and it will allow you to stack two high you can also do that with anything that has a fill unit on it I made a warehouse storage hold 100 million FYI

  5. When I use course play it have been recording a custom field and it have not had anymore wacky AI driving FYI when making a custom course just make the outside perimeter and then set course as normal

  6. If you make the path up to the grain cart’s unload point with some sharp-ish turns, it will go more slowly through that section.
    Also, is the unload point connected to the combine wait point? I couldn’t see a path in the grass.


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