Starting our $4,000,000 farm and buying tractors | Suits to boots part 1 | Farming simulator 19


We start this new series with a character who sold his business in the city and is moving out to the country to start a farm. He wants to buy tractors, harvest fields and become a billionaire from farming. Can he do it with your help?

Big thank you again to everyone who has subbed with notifications on and i hope you were able to grab a gift card code, if not don’t forgot to leave a comment and me and Hudson will pick the best 2 for another gift!



  1. i Hudsons playground and I’ll watch every single video suits to boots and I wanna get this game for free so if you could somehow tell me what it what it’s called and what version you have that you’re playing right now I just love watching you guys and you guys are so funny and like fun and I just love watching your videos no matter if you’re chilling if you’re just farming, I’ll watch them.


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