First Look – A Guide to Animals in Farming Simulator 22


We’re taking a look at the Animals in Farming Simulator 22 and understanding what has changed, what is new and just how cool the new animal animations are!

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PC Specs
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8 Core
MSI Nvidia RTX 2080 Super 8GB
Tomahawk MAX B450 Motherboard
Corsair Vengance 32GB RAM

Check Out Some Other Farming Simulator YouTubers Below!
Argsy Gaming –
Farmer Taz –
Fusion Simulations –
Mighty Mike Farms –
FarmSim Gamer –
Scroft –

Music by:

Epidemic Sound

First Look – A Guide to Animals in Farming Simulator 22

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  1. Are you kidding me? I still have absolutely no idea what cows are for! I've only seen a robot feeder!?? What are they for? Milk? Beef? Bro help us out , I've only ever farmed fields!

  2. Thanks mate, not a bad cover. Though I came here to find out where to give the cows straw as I couldn’t find the trigger point, and you didn’t cover that. Turns out you can only use a forage wagon and not bales or bucket loads. And unload it inside, next to the feed troughs. Also the chooks don’t need roosters to reproduce

  3. Me and my daughter are about to start farming animals and I would like to record it.
    I noticed you record in 4k would you mind sharing some settings the one I tried last night looked like 100p after following instructions.
    My daughter says she can't wait and thanks for your video to help her on her way she's only 6

  4. I've been playing this for a week now and it's amazing. I've got a wheat farm selling wheat as harvested and around 70% is brought to the mill and then sold. I do use the autoloader mod for this.

    I've only barely scratched the surface of the game. I was scrolling through the animal menu's earlier so now i want to try that. This video helped alot, thank you!

    Playing on elm creek btw, my farm makes around 15-35k per month depending on contracts and when i sell products it goes up to 50-70k. Becoming proffitable was a challenge as a completely new player. Loads of fun though!

  5. Great vid btw just something to say I’m on Xbox series s and when I place any animal enclosure and say that was cows i buy the max amount of cows for the that enclosure and it can only see like 6-10 of that animal and that happened every time with every animal even if I just buy a few 🙁 I was just wondering if u could help me out!??

  6. So why did they make the silo manure heap if u need to use the extention even tough at the first heap theres nothing to extend at that stage… thats realy crap ive been looking for a solution for a week now and after buying several silo heaps i really hope this solves my problem lol


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