AGI FREE DLC – Farming Simulator 22


This video will show you everything you need to know about the new FREE DLC for Farming Simulator 22.

Meridian Silos Video:

Order The DLC Here:

00:00 – Intro
0:23 – Installing the DLC
1:42 – AGI DLC Equipment
11:00 – Making Seeds
14:03 – Outro

Order Farming Simulator 22:

Order the Antonio Carraro DLC:
Order Farming Simulator 22 Seasons Pass:
Order Farming Simulator 22 Bundle:
Farming Simulator 22 Saddle Trac Pack:
Farming Simulator 22 Modding Tutorials:
Farming Simulator 22 Kubota Pack:


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Farming Simulator 19 DLC Links:
John Deere Gator:
Anderson Group:
Platinum Expansion:
John Deere Cotton:
Kverneland & Vicon:
Alpine Expansion Now:



  1. I feel it would be a really nice feature to be able to take(and put back) bottles from pallets like this one. At the moment I feel like it's kind of annoying to haul a pallet mover around all the time.

  2. can somone help i cant seem to open the cover on my trailer I tried to find it in keybins its not there I clicked n which was not it like it was in fs 19

  3. Literally coming in clutch. Thank youuuuuuuu for the info about this new pack. Love your work. Also love watching your survival series.❤️

  4. Hey farmer cop, not a big lover of auger, I do understand they would help with extra storage if you need to keep a lot of stuff till the right sale price comes up or something. So may be worth looking into at some point. Thanks for the vid as i was wondering what the new DLC was?

  5. Thanks for the info. It kind of seems to me like this DLC is a little underwhelming though to be honest. It’s just extra steps for silos, and 1 clunky option to make seeds. At least I know now that I can safely skip this one. ?

  6. Bro i swear your chanel is so underrated because the amount of information and content on your chanel is insane and so detail definitely deserve like 1 mil subscriber or more, keep up the good work cheers from ??

  7. Hi Farmer Cop, I have a question, I just bought FS22 in German format for PS4 but I live in the UK and play on a UK console.. I just would like to know if everything will work properly, like the mods and stuff? if you or someone could let me know, Thanks!

    By the way I love watching your videos, you've provided me with some great insight to the game, and you technically made me buy it, looking forward to playing ?

  8. So what is the deal with Microsoft store on xbox series x it is no were to get it the only thing that happens is when i click on it in the hub on xbox ot it takes me to the store but it is a blank screen looks like i will not be able to play that new dlc i am at the point of hating technology ??????????????

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