Farming Simulator Podcast #15 LIVE!


Join us for another live recording of the Farming Simulator Podcast where the community team goes over the latest Farming Sim news. There will also be time at the end of the stream for a live Q&A so bring your best questions and you might get an answer!

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  1. Mobile Game
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    Sir Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

  2. So….what Lars is really trying to say is…. extraterrestrial farming confirmed! ROFL

    Kermit… totally need to have a sit down with Jimmy soon (RedDirtRanch on twitch). Just my two cents.

  3. I did try and ask this question in the pod cast but I think it was over looked.. but in the game it states you can breed cows however you don’t have bulls in the game? Is this something you will implement??

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