Finishing the Corn! | E36 Flint Hills | Farming Simulator 19


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  1. Great video as always Randy! Keep up the great work! At 24:39 you can use the John Deere T-Rex 600 Tree Harvester to remove that line of trees in the Flint Hills Map very quickly. It only took me about 10 to 15 minutes to remove all those trees using this mod. Nick the Hick has a Youtube video of it in action and a link for this mod is in Nick's description. Good luck trying to join Expendables Facebook Group unless you are one of the lucky ones who don't get banned for doing nothing more than just trying to join their group. The John Deere X9 combine on the majority of those questionable websites only have non 3D tracks just like the current version on Giants Official Modhub.

  2. Hello Randy. The great episode. I'm glad that you found Auto Drive to be as helpful as you do. You know that I play on Console because that's what I have and I've made some recent discoveries that we have some awesome John Deere equipment that you already used and it's pretty cool that we get to use it on console. It's great because I found a John Deere db60 24 row 30-in planter and I hook that up to the John Deere 8rx quadtrac with the cool tracks that you were talking about. Makes this game a whole lot more fun. John Deere is the best. I wouldn't have known about half the equipment that I'm looking at if it wasn't for you and your great videos. Keep up the good work

  3. I think the major problem with courseplay is they r trying to put to much into it at one time. They need to get onr thing working first then move on to another. Seems like they want to get it all working right away and thats causing problems. With me personally grain cart unload is getting worse all the time but feild work and planting does ok. It has its days. Some r good and a few r just terrible.


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