FS19 | TOP 10 ‘BONKERS’ MODS (TOP of the CROPS!) | Farming Simulator 19.


FS19 | TOP 10 ‘BONKERS’ MODS (TOP of the CROPS!) | Farming Simulator 19 |. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. With FS19 drawing to a close, the question of top mods starts to be asked. What are your top 5 maps? What are your favourite mods? What mods do you always use? In this set of videos I will try to answer some of these questions but please remember, these are my opinions and choices. There are no right or wrong answers. When I refer to Bonkers, I mean zany and fun. In no way am I saying that these mods are bad! So… Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Tool Height control For Harvester By: DD ModPassion, MAD High Pressure Washer By: Mantrid, Silo Wood By: Oma Tana, NMC D-11 Bulldozer By: North modding Company, Wool Pallet By: MISSYB, RYC-120 By: raulycristi1 (VSR Modding Sur), The Tardis By: ALiEN JiM, Unreal Tree Devourer By: raulycristi1 (VSR Modding Sur), Simulator 19 Monster Truck By: ViperGTS96, Light Sword By: SimulagriModding.


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  1. Great video. And a nice little reminder that at times lots of us can take the game a little to seriously. Sometimes you should enjoy things a little more. And if a mod makes some people smile great at the end of the day that's the goal!

  2. I love to use #3 Unreal tree devourer and #4 RYC 120 together. That will clear forests, 350,000L capacity. I think a good honorable mention would be Trekkie.

  3. Great video, MrSealyP! Enjoying your “Top 10” videos a lot! Many of these mods I have installed & use – and I hope to see them show up in FS22 by the excellent modders that we have in the FS Community. Thanks MrSealyP! Thanks to ALL modders too! 🙂

  4. Love all these mods. Use many of them. The tardis is bigger on inside than outside so it's obvious it could hold millions ?
    Wood chipper could do with a bigger capacity ?
    And the monster truck is very usable. Fit the 3 point link mod and use it for anything you like.

  5. Love this video sealy p. Just a quick question and my apologies if you have already answered this but in regards to FS 22. Do you know if the MOD creators are able to create mods for fs22 prior to its release, or do they have to wait before they can start creating ? I’m assuming the mods from fs22 won’t be transferable. Again sorry if you have already covered this somewhere

  6. Enjoying these top 10's. The best one of all I would look forward to watching is the one you said you didn't know if you would do, Top 10 maps! You could just pick 10 maps you enjoyed playing in no particular order, so you don't upset anyone ???

  7. Another great vid! Fun fact: the monster truck can also pull equipment behind it and has PLENTY of horsepower for the job. Not saying that someone would replace the tractors on their farm with monster trucks…

  8. Except for the NMC Bulldozer, the Monster Truck and the Light Saber (which are great too!), if I am not playing a small map, small equipment, realistic game, I have been using all these mods on almost all of my maps. They are fantastic, it is a game in the end, who cares it is not realistic. If you want to be realistic, step outside, go to a farmer and learn to farm… Your top lists are fantastic MrSealyP. At last I would say, we get to know how you think about all these mods. And I agree, no top modders list, they are all there to make the game so much more enjoyable. All of them, without exception. Big cheer to all the guys and gals who spend days, weeks and months to create them! ?????

  9. Fantastic series MrSealyp, I would love to put together a list of what mods I always have installed, but it is really hard to pick out just 10, being on PC and all, I actually go into a new map going through and remove one's I rarely use, due to the fact of how much mods I use or can't go without.

  10. I use 90% of those mods on every play through I do on #FS19. Never used the monster truck because I can't believe I haven't come across it yet. How the heck have missed it. Downloaded now though. ❤️ To all the console modders out there. You have made the game playable for a solid three years. Keep em coming through #FS22. Great count down Mr SealyP ?

  11. Thanks for the video and thank you to all the modders that make this game a blast to play. I will personally go back and replay maps with different mods because it makes the maps feel totally different.

  12. Everyone has an other opinion about what great mods are .
    It’s everyone’s own preference .

    I’m glad to use some great mods in fs19 and I hope that we can continue in fs22 !!

  13. The sprayer mod (and the newer garden hose mod) lend themselves really well to role playing with service trucks. All of our service trucks at work have onboard water with 5.5 gph pumps and pressure washers so it's believable that you'd have those things near your truck.

  14. Monster Truck definitely has a purpose in FS19. I'm building an off-road track in Willamina Forrest currently. Complete with teams (farms) of multiple colors, each with their own vehicle selection, pit area, course retrieval crew, etc. Monster Truck will be the beast of the track. Gonna be a template for a planned server I'm trying for FS22.

  15. WHY would we have bonkers mods like monster trucks and light sabers on FS19? Because the hardest working people on planet earth, being farmers, they have toys too. They gotta have the thing that gets them thru the hard times, and if you've worked hard and earned your money, you are free to spend that money on whatever your heart so desires. If you wanna take a day off just to mob around in a bonkers monster truck, far be it from me to tell you that you can't.
    My boys and I do our own multiplayer on FS19, and every couple days we'll go play with the toys just so they don't get bored with the game. And it's always a hoot!

    Another great video MrSealyP, I've been educated again. Look forward to the next

  16. I think it wouldn't be at all offensive to make a "my 10 favorite modders" video. I think anyone as involved in the community as a modder knows you are not at all a negative person. To give modders your personal congratulations may even be a very positive influence to that creator. Give them their dues mate, they've earned it.

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