It's Everyone's Favorite! Sugar Cane! | E51 Elmcreek | Farming Simulator 22


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  1. I enjoy harvesting sugarcane. Randy hates Harvesting sugarcane lol. Randy you know you could've done sugarbeet instead of sugarcane to make sugar at the sugar mill

  2. The food was low for the cows because you just placed the building down and the automatic feeder feeds the cows every hour on the hour. So it has to feed the cows multiple times before I guess you can say everything levels off

  3. Great video as always and in real life aka the us you can never put too much of one kind bc you can alway balance it with the other feed and you had as much space as you need

  4. I have the same crash when quitting issue. About half the time. Also I notice the big Dablo roller is missing animations on a few of the roller sections. Not a huge deal but with the premium price for the game and DLC I expect better from Giants.

  5. My mate said why wasn't there like two points at a factory, one to sell your grain & one for making your products, totally makes them being a selling point at the moment so redundant

  6. Ahh sugarcane the one crop I tried once in FS17 & FS19 then got bored really quick,

    Here’s a tip of advice when harvesting it, it helps to go round and round the field hedlands like when you’d be cutting hay with a discbine, cos I don’t think that real sugarcane harvesters go up and back like you’d think

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