Precision Farming DLC (Overview) – Farming Simulator 22


Precision Farming Overview
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  1. The only thing that would make things more realistic is if they gave you an option on different types of weed control as far as spraying goes. For example herbicide is actually a pre-emerge chemical that goes on either before planting or right after. It goes into the soil activated by rain water to stop weeds or stunt them from coming up. Contact spraying is your chemicals that go on after the weeds have came up to kill them. Using different kinds to either increase your yield or as in real life some chemicals can eliminate weeds but can also damage your crop. Would be nice to see that.

  2. and the reason you got 66 overall of all youre fields , so field 44=65% / 45=65% / 46=65% / 47=65% / 48=97% / 53=50% / 54=50% add those percentage's up and then divide then by 7 { youre owned fields } so if each field is a 100% then you get the bars nitrogen and the rest completly full .

  3. Hey DJ goham just wondering has making hay changed or cutting grass or if you leave straw on the ground disappeared like on fs19 persession farming

  4. It’s cool seeing all this integrated into a video game. I spent a lot of years pulling soil samples in real fields by hand and sending them to a lab that then puts that info into a map that we can then show the farmer and apply the needed fertilizers exactly where the field needs them. It’s a very cool system and I love seeing it brought to light on this platform. Props to the developers!

  5. 21:18 The score your mouse is hovering over is the total score for your entire farm which is why it wasn't really updating and wasn't showing the levels you thought it should. If you only had the one field or if you had taken care of your other fields like you did your wheat field the scores would have been much higher and in line with what you were thinking they should be.

  6. And how did you get that new tractor and small equipment. I can't find those. Are they included in the new pack and must have that loaded to use?

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