The 25 Mods I Install EVERY time I start a NEW Game on PC – Farming Simulator 19


Here are the top 25 mods I install on every new game save on Farming Simulator 19, these are the mods that assist with gameplay and just basically make life easier in-game, here’s the full list with links.

0:00 – Intro
1:31 – Additional Game Settings
2:29 – Adjustable Header Height for Harvesters
3:18 – Animal Pen Extension
3:46 – Autodrive
4:29 – Bulk Buy
4:55 – Courseplay
5:38 – Cultivator Create Fields
6:02 – Easy Developer Controls
7:02 – Enhanced Vehicle Mod
7:51 – Fill Level Warning for Combines
8:44 – Follow Me
10:02 – Global Company
10:32 – Global Company Icons
10:51 – Guidance Steering
12:00 – HUD Toggle
12:36 – Instant Wash
13:10 – Lumberjack
13:49 – Park Vehicle
14:46 – Read Dirt Colour
Real Dirt Fix
15:16 – Realistic Cab View
15:53 – Store Deliveries
16:53 – Variable Bale Capacity
18:35 – Workshop Tabber
19:29 – Variable Spray Usage

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Best place to find mods
Where To Find New Mods & Mod Testing Lists
Giants ModHub (XB1/PS4) –
Giants MoHub (PC/Mac) –
New Mods Currently in Testing – Giants Mod Testing Forum –

PC Specs
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8 Core
MSI Nvidia RTX 2080 Super 8GB
Tomahawk MAX B450 Motherboard
Corsair Vengance 32GB RAM

Music by @ikson

Music by Epidemic Sound

The 25 Mods I install on EVERY new PC game save – Farming Simulator 19

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#fs19mods #bestmods #farmingsimulator19 #thefarmsimguy



  1. I play FS22 on PC. I have over 150 mods loaded in my game. I had to use the game log file and an XML editor, but all work and elevated my game to a new level. I also added music in the music folder with parody commercials from GTA5 to make it more like my own radio station. I think I'm going to record some of my own commercial spoofs. Love this game. Nice channel here.

  2. Animal pen (and workshop tabber) mod is for FS19 not FS22 your link takes you straight to FS19, I was surprised you mentioned this as in FS19 and I think FS17 we had this with milk collection which always annoys me right back to FS15 you had to deliver your milk to the dairy in GB you don't it is collected by dairy tanker.?

  3. You can use folow me mode to make tractor with a baler atached to follow the harverster and bale by turning on the baler and lower the pick-up befor u give the folow command

  4. Is there something you need to do after downloading "ADDITIONAL GAME SETTINGS?" After I download it, it doesn't show up in my UI tab, and yes I do download it to my MODS folder.

  5. no talk on mods that add buildings to the game? i have more than 200 mods because of that lol. adding coal, flower, honey, apple, tomato, blueberry, more animal farm, chips factory, cookie factory, milk factory, cheese factory, butter, bread, cake, sugar factory, salt factory, fertilizer factory…

    All of those factory need farmable ressources. You can even create your own Bio fuel for your tractor, so instead of buying your fuel, you can make it.

  6. well did I just watch a video for fs19? yes I did although I play 22, I didn't see fs19 in the title…. also I wondered when you'll tell us what hud you're using since I think it's really cool… but it's the FS 19 HUD ..


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