In this video I take a look at which is the best tree to make money in Farming Simulator 22.
#farmingsimulator #logging #fs22
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Great video and comments ?
Now is possible to cut Stone pine with harvester, just install Harvesting mod and at settings set 'all trees'.
Very helpful and exactly what I was looking for, thank you!! The charts are awesome!!
If you're selling logs directly this post makes sense. If you're feeding a sawmill or carpentry what matters is the mass of the tree. I prefer American Elm. Full size tree is about 5.2 tons and it grows faster than just about anything else. Oak is bigger but slower growing. Making furniture is VERY rewarding.
Farming Simulator 22 needs a measuring tool for bucking trees with a chainsaw! Anyone? Good video my friend.
Does any of this even matter if your not selling the logs, but using them in production?
Nice analysis there, Driver. However, I think that you missed a very important point: The base price is for volume but not length. Length impacts on the final result, obviously (like knots and straightness), but I think that volume is also important. In game spruce is lighter that pine (0,47kg/l vs 0,52kg/l aprox.) and that means you will have more money for the same mass (more volume). Spruce are also thicker, and I think that's why you obtained more money in your testing. Finally, if you're harvesting the trees you previously planted, I think, like you, that spruce is the best choice. Thanks again for your video and keep it up!
Hey have you ever ran the Tree Growth Manager mod ?
i worked with american elm, it is pain in the ass, YES it gives the most wood but lots of branches wich they sometimes stuck to eachother but mainly its a mess, i prefer long fat straight logs for FASTER work and more money at the end.
This is the best forestry video out there. Thanks
Great Channel, Man!
hello just saw this , this is great work .can i ask you for sharring that doc you did with those trees, ??..
Wow was cutting my spruces to 10 metres and a full trailer 2x 10metre piles would give me £62k but changing that to six metres , 3 x 6metre piles got me over £200k, thanks
This type of content is what sets you apart! Loved it
Selling wood as wood is not smart tho. selling it as plank is the biggest money maker in FS22. 20 elms at max growth on normal eco is like 600k USD. don't need to cut them up. Just cut them down and drag them into the sellpoint at the sawmill. Poff they are gone and use a pallet warehouse mod to sell the planks from. You can make millions with only a chainsaw and a frontloader to drag the tree with you
Driver53, not sure if this is something you've covered before or not. But I stumbled upon a fun little hack while spreading lime last night. Throw a tractor mounted spreader on the front and then pull a cart style spreader. You can use the front mounted spreader and it uses the lime from the trailer. 42m spreading distance with caps load more capacity now. Hopefully if you haven't seen this you'll give it a try.
Thanks Driver for the video. I was surprised by the results
tell me which tree gives most liters to the sawmill
A while ago I ran a similar test, you'll see that when you get up to 11m-13m you get similar pricing per meter, but the advantage to the bigger logs, for me, is that you aren't moving as many pieces. It really comes down to preference, but if you like using longer logs, the ideal length is 13m
Great job again, man! Congrats for your work