10 MODS YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU NEEDED – Farming Simulator 19 – Part 1


Here is 10 mods that you may or may not know about but if you didn’t know they existed, these are mods you need!

Disable Vehicle Camera Collision:

Lizard Re-Useable Pallets:

Lizard Pallet Pack:

Follow Me:

LIZARD Subsoiler 6M:

Full Stop:

Bulk Buy:

Easy Development Controls:

Milling Machine:

Store Sales:

Order Farming Simulator 22:

Order Farming Simulator 22 Seasons Pass:
Order Farming Simulator 22 Bundle:

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Farming Simulator 19 DLC Links:
John Deere Gator:
Anderson Group:
Platinum Expansion:
John Deere Cotton:
Kverneland & Vicon:
Alpine Expansion Now:



  1. Anyone else's milling machine stop working. It used to work great, but now it only picks up and spits out stuff for about 2 seconds then stops. The pipe is out and the machine is unfolded, lowered, and turned on, but nothing. What's going on?!?!?!??

  2. Love this! I actually just bought 19 with the new one coming in and I am having a blast and to use these mods! Question on the sales mod does that work with the mods also or just base game equipment?

  3. Hi does anybody know how to Un zoom the camera on Xbox one . My camera is stuck like 0:57 when I’m driving my harvester . I hid down on the d pad but don’t know how to return it to regular 3rd person view

  4. Hi, great video very helpfull. I have a question I can not figure a way to unload the pallet bales from the Lizard pallet pack, so any ideas would be great. Thank you!

  5. Can you help me, when I go to multiplayer and creat game, and go in to my farm,when and I get.my friend to play with me he cannot get in my vehicles do you what it mite be,

  6. Sadly the Follow Me mod doesn't work on PS4. Yesterday I tried to do 2 things at the same time by attaching a cultivator to the front of my tractor and a seeder to the back, hoping to save on labor costs when my helper would run the field. Sadly the cultivator can't run backwards (makes sense, the prongs face the wrong way). So then I tried fitting the fertilizer to the front (the one that's hanging off your tractor and sprays solid fertilizer around) combined with the same seeder in the back. This worked so it saved me a trip and labor costs, BUT it had to do each row of seeding but at the same time sprayed around 16m worth of fertilizer on every pass. So in the end it was more expensive than hiring the same worker to do the fertilizing in a separate run.

    But HOW do you combine jobs on your fields on a PS4 easily? I'm getting a bit sick of the same things every time; cultivate, seed, fertilize, cultivate, seed, fertilize.

  7. Could you please do a video on how to use the bulk liquid pallets by quiethitman. I can't seem to get them to fill/drain. Even tried the small hoses from the manure mod.

  8. Indeed a great list of useful mods…

    As a extra addition to the Store sales I'd add the "Buy used equipment" a great mod for those who want to add a bit of realism and authenticity and buy used second hand equipment at great discounts assuming we're not cheating to add extra money with EDT…hehe…

  9. Full Stop is an always use for me – especially helpful when you're streaming and trying to read chat and harvest!
    I also use the Disable Camera Collisions.

    Other quality of life mods
    QuickCamera (allows you to tab view 45deg increments when in vehicle),
    Realistic Seeder (cannot tab seeds, you want wheat you have to buy it and load it! Also let's you unload potato seeds and merge seed pallets of the same seed),
    Vehicle Control Addon (allows select Drive/Reverse and use steering wheel pedals properly),
    Vehicle Inspector (shows worker/other player vehicle info: fill levels, speed, etc – let's you plan consumable resupply or harvester emptying),
    Workshop Tabber (because it's a must have!!!)

  10. Milling machine is cheating…well, unless you use it for manure and silage pits or maybe as a cheap way to pick up grass/hay swaths, or snow, or if you have a mess. But other than this, it's cheating!

  11. Please remember to support ALL mod authors and rate mods 5 stars… it costs us nothing to do this and supports modders to keep providing us with great mods in future 🙂

  12. Nice job Chief… I believe our Patrol chief wont agree with one mod on this list although i am sure you can pay for his eyes to be turned for a 'Not so' small fee

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