Farming Simulator 22 – First Gameplay & Tutorial! (USA Map)


First Gameplay & Tutorial! (USA Map)
FS22 – Farming Simulator 22

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  1. Thx DJ for the overview. Will you make a segment of the next vid? I would like to know what you're gonna do for gettin' the wheat straw up. Looking forward to it.

  2. Hi DJGoHam,

    Is there a possibility of having separate game saves for all three maps, Elmcreek – US Midwest, Haut-Beyleron – French countryside and the updated Erlengrat – Alpine Maps with Farming Simulator 22?

    As FS has grown into different areas of farming agriculture, that I thought, instead of trying to cram everything into one huge farm on one single map, why not divide them into three different farms, so a different map could be for different types of farming,


  3. Money… they got it wrong again. On Elmcreek the starter fields on New Farmer + normal economy pay about 12k per harvest. Minus 1k for fertilizer, minus 2-3k for workers, minus vehicle/implement repairs, minus loan payments, minus property maintenance and I'm clearing about 5k per harvest. That's well above an hour of play so 5k/hour or less. Want a new, mid range, simple medium tractor? Play for 30 hours… This grind is almost funny. Would take about 1000 hours to equip a farm with medium equipment. And a lot of contracts such as plowing/cultivating/sowing are still broken and even worse than FS19. The payouts are not even worth the time driving there and back. A few hundred dollars for a medium field. 1 or 2k for large fields. Plowing a sizeable field for 1,600 dollars is… depressing.

  4. Hey not sure is someone can help or not but I'm on ps4 and looking at the mods and I don't see any and I bought 2 add-ons and don't see either of them ????

  5. Nice review, DJ, thank you! The map reminds me of the FS19 West Texas map. Two new mods are already available today for FS22! The game is fantastically improved in almost every aspect, wow!! I excitedly await the year one season pass content since I preordered that, and of course, all the new mods, FS19 mod updates, and more of your daily awesome videos most of all!

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