Farming Simulator 22 VS Farming Simulator 19 | Gameplay Comparison


New video on Farming Simulator 22 & 19,
? -10% on FARMING SIMULATOR 22 PRE-ORDER with code “CROPS10” :

In this video we compare the gameplay of Farming Simulator 22 to Farming Simulator 19 !

Download all Farming Simulator 19 mods here:

? FS19 Packs:

? FS19 Work-In-Progress:


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⬇️ Farming Simulator 19 DLC ⬇️

? FS19 Alpine Expansion DLC:

? FS19 Platinum Expansion:

? FS19 Kverneland & Vicon Equipment Pack:

? FS19 Grimme Pack:

? FS19 Anderson Group DLC:

? FS19 John Deere Cotton DLC:

? FS19 Bourgault DLC:

? FS19 Rottne Pack:

? Farming Simulator 19 (PC):



  1. Na ja der Vergleich sollte an einer original Karte sein und dann mit vergleichbaren Rechnern getestet werden mit Grafik Karte auf auf voll auslastung. Sonst ist es verfälscht. Aber Hauptsache Aufrufe.

  2. Broder el fs19 es el mismo que el fs22 solo que actualisado bro por que lo quiero instalar y comprarlo para estar seguro de que es el mismo bro espero y meconteste algien saludos

  3. Even after the game has been released for some times, I do not see any major improvement to this game, this game does not worth 50 USD, it only suit as an major update to FS19 instead of making a new game out of it. Nothing serious improvement, I'm very disappointed.

  4. I'm staying with FS19 with seasons and precision farming. Until ppls will buying "new" FS nothing will change. Pure corpo thinking -less costs more profits.

  5. So it is the same game, they just over saturated the colors to make it "pop"? Cool. How is the character creator? The Maps? Any changes there or should I just stick with 19 for my comfy farm sim?

  6. guys! this is fake. You can see he is using modded trailers "made by rudolf". There are no mods for farming 22, and its not available to play yet.

  7. mark my words ur probably gonna be better of throwing some shaders on fs19 and wating too see if fs 22 gets better or on sale cuz this does by no means look promising.

  8. Üzülerek söylüyorum oyunun 19 hali daha gerçekçi gözüküyor. Karşısında rakip olmadığı için bu firma köklü değişiklikler ile uğraşıyor bu da oyuncuları tatmin etmiyor. Umarım bir rakip çıkar ve bu biz oyunculara yarar.

  9. na geil wen man farblich sich selbst bescheist,farbe bei ls22 übersätigt,viel hat sich nicht getan auser farblich im menu,haben in den jahren nichts dazu gelernt die moder werden es wieder richten wie immer

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