FS22 – Farming Simulator 22

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0:00 – Intro
0:28 – How Does It Work?
0:55 – What Jobs Work?
1:38 – Leaked Case 150 Series
2:18 – Final Thoughts
3:12 – The Last Giveaway
5:17 – Release Date & Preorder
5:52 – Questions?
6:10 – Outro

#FarmingSimulator #FS22 #AI

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  1. Oh Man! We finally get to see what the AI Workers will be like in Farming Simulator 22! Was this what you thought it would be? Maybe more or less? Let me know!
    If no mods release, this will be the only video released today, as I'm very busy at the moment outside of making vids. Stay tuned on Friday for some fun stuff!

  2. Everyone whos saying this is awesome hasnt actually used the new AI, its garbage, im waiting for courseplay. How can a modder make a better automation tool than the actual developers ffs.

  3. really excited for the go to option! i been screaming about this for over a decade! many times ive bought a harvester and a tracktor im thinking if only i could get an npc to drive the other vehicle…… NOW WE CAN! tried courseplay i couldnt get it to work.

  4. I sure hope all the equipment still gets dirty because I didn't really see any at all. In all the pics and video I never seen any tractors or any of the equipment/implements dirty with any mud. Do you think they had it turned off? I just do not think Giants would remove a realistic feature in the game.

  5. would be nice one day you could start off small then become like a manager that assist the AI finishing jobs and such. So you don't have to do everything. You can learn how to pay employees and such.

  6. I'm really looking forward to this in FS22. I can only run 19 and 22 on my xbone. I got a laptop that will run a stripped down version of 17 and courseplay is a new beast and so much fun!

  7. WOW, just WOW! The AI worker changes are amazing for me too, as I'm more like a single player type of gamer 🙂 This will make my game much easier as I don't like to use to many mods that can corrupt my savegame .

  8. With additional worker options like this, it will make it easier to run much larger farming operations in single play. So yeah this is great.

  9. Okay this might be crazy but do you think the ai will be able to cart from the harvester to the silo? I’m so excited for this game. Obviously at the beginning it’s probably more important to do the work yourself until you have some money in the bank.

  10. So I just watched one of your vids about FS 22 from 2 months back and realized in the settings there was an option to turn trailer fill limit on and off. Has it been confirmed you can fill a trailer past the “full capacity” or is this still something not known about?

  11. "Helper A is stuck"
    (Helper A has caused a 3 car accident blocking the entire road)
    I hope the AI workers actually work to the edge of the field. (Even if I run a headland and have plenty of space.. they literally leave 1 single row at the end)

  12. Great video and content. I was trying to enter your Xbox giveaway and was having issues, it says the link has the wrong web address
    Thanks. Keep up the awesome stuff you do.

  13. I’ve been saying this my entire fs career lol, at least just equipment transport. So glad to see this. It takes forever to transfer 6 combines from field to field

  14. They should have other AI farmers farming on the fields that you don’t own. This would make it feel less lonely farming by yourself on a big map, and feel more realistic and lively as you farm your own land


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