"Rassvet" New Mod Map Tour in Farming Simulator 19


NEW MOD MAP FOR FARMING SIMULATOR 19!!! This is a tour of the new mod map in Farming simulator 19 called Rassvet. This map was created by Den Ben.

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  1. I installed map on either Xbox one and ps4 I don’t see the factories list do I need a global company to make it work?? Is it available on console global company in modhub??

  2. ANyone worked out where the fish triggers are? The small fish unload is next to the pond with the generator, the generator for diesel only takes it from the Sovosnka bowser as far as I can see and food goes in the shed near the display – next to the container. There is a hatched area near a crane as you head east but i cannot get fish to unload…

  3. Just found a that you cant pick up square bales of canola from field 4 with a auto loading truck or trailer. But cant fine the modder that made the map to report it any help would be great

  4. Farmer Cop – Thanks for so many wonderful videos in 2020. Looking forward to more in the new year. A BIG thank-you for your service to your home community.

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