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PC specs:
Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X AM4
RAM: 2x8GB 3200 MHz DDR4 Patriot VIPER
SSD: 500 GB Intel 660P M2 NVME 3
Graphic Card: Gigabyte RTX 2070 SUPER 8GB
Power: Thermaltake RGB 650W
Intro: Meet me (feat. nož) – mickey valen
Outro: Glude Dreamers
0:11 – 2:44 DayFox – Welcome To Bali
2:45 – 6:16 Jarico – Island
6:17 – 8:45 MBB Feel Good
8:46 – 11:52 DayFox – Nordish Fjords
11:53 – 14:20 Ikson – Outside
14:21 – 17:31 LiQWYD – Just Smile
17:32 – 20:20 Jarico – Paradise
Nice Video
please share save game
From wich country you are
you use a mod to open the doors and windows or it is included in the tractor mod?
Very good video TheCamper and please link from the John Deere 6930?
Please link from the John Deere 6R 3:23, THANK YOU.
What is the name on the mod that makes a plus in first person and stuff and what does it do?
co to je
What map is that
I like Ur videos ??
what is your mod for opening and closing veicle doors
Face reveal!!!!
Never played this game before but my friend just told me to 1v1 them on it so now I’m learning every mechanic and detail about it
I can’t say ur good but you are good for me haha ?
Maps name please ?
Goood video
You should do a series on no man's land with kedex chata and Mrs thecamper
Best videos
4:15 What mode is this? I searched but could not find.
Hey, I'm from Indonesia always watch your videos. Very good and cool and this is my favorite game<3????
maybe make a pack of mods for those used in the Public Works series The Camper
Abi çekiliş yapıyonmu fs19
Awsome gaming
The camper is very nice
Nice videooooo and I inspirating from you, I have this map #TheCamper ????????????????
Nice video!
a question, how do you Make a light signal white the cars or tractors ??
Great vid thanks for the mod
Great Video The CamPeR
witch mod use you for opening doors and windows
amazing vid again!
Lajk ju video ♥️♥️♥️
Ngl love your vids but is it just me that the music is ridiculously loud in all of them?
Hello I am french and your vidéo are very nice ??
Where can I get the John deere 6215R?? Help me please
Can I play with you privat?
Good video
Whats mineral fertilizer