The 20 Mods I Can’t Live Without in Farming Simulator 22


In this video we’re looking at 20 mods that I use all the time in every game save I have, they are mostly quality of life and small mods that improve and build on some of the base game. I’m sure you will have heard of some of these and some have come over from FS19 but while the name might be the same, a lot of them have been redesigned from the ground up.

I hope you find this video useful and I’d love to hear what mods you can’t live without!

Map: South Louisiana – by Louisiana Mapping

0:00 – Intro
1:27 – Autodrive
2:30 – Courseplay
3:35 – Grass Mowing
4:20 – Repair and Paint Settings
5:21 – Additional Game Settings
6:16 – Lumberjack
7:03 – Crop Growth Stage
7:42 – Damage Bar Selection
8:41 – Buy Production Input
10:09 – Increase Light Range
10:56 – AI Tyre Tracks
12:13 – Guidance Steering
13:23 – Power Tools
14:30 – Chopped Straw
15:55 – Store Deliveries
16:51 – Realistic Cab View
17:55 – Paint and Terraform Anywhere
19:05 – Creative Fields with Cultivator
21:36 – Sleep Anywhere
22:43 – Real Dirt Color
23:47 – Outtro

Mod Links
Autodrive By Stephan_S

Courseplay By Courseplay Dev Team

Grass Mowing By Loki_79

Repair and Paint Settings By Ragman2414

Additional Game Settings By Rockstar

Lumberjack By Loki_79

Crop Growth Stage By SvenP

Damage Bar Selection By Rival

Buy Production Input By Ria Modding

Increase Light Range By Rival

AI Tyre Tracks ViperGTS96

Guidance Steering By Wopster

Power Tools By W33zl

Chopped Straw By Nico73 Modding

Store Deliveries By ViperGTS96

Realistic Cab View By Loki_79

Paint andTerraform Anywhere By Modelleicher

Create Fields with Cultivator By Wopster

Sleep Anywhere By Ian898

Real Dirt Colour By ViperGTS96

You can get Farming Simulator 22 Here –

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Thanks for dropping by and see you on the farm!

PC Specs
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8 Core
MSI Nvidia RTX 3070 Founders Edition
Tomahawk MAX B450 Motherboard
Corsair Vengance 32GB RAM

Music by:
Epidemic Sound

The 20 Mods I Can’t Live Without in Farming Simulator 22

Best mods fs22, farming simulator 22, fs22, The farmsimguy mods, best PC mods fs22, Autodrive, Courseplay, Grass Mowing, Repair and Paint Settings, Additional Game Settings, Lumberjack, Crop Growth Stage, Damage Bar Selection, Buy Production Input, Increase Light Range, AI Tyre Tracks, Guidance Steering, Power Tools, Chopped Straw, Store Deliveries, Realistic Cab View, Paint and Terraform Anywhere, Creative Fields with Cultivator, Sleep Anywhere, Real Dirt Color, mods for fs22, how to play fs22, farm sim best mods, best mods for fs22

#bestmods #fs22 #thefarmsimguy



  1. for course play and auto dirve I like playing realisticly on multiplayer with my friends but me and myfriends decided to allow course play and autodrive only on autonomouse tractors so we have a point of getting an autonomouse tractor besides lookign cool

  2. The things I don't like about the maintenance and repainting costs are that (a) I shouldn't be spending more money in maintaining my equipment then I am fuel (especially new equipment). (b) a lot of the repair costs should fix the repainting costs on the equipment, because a lot of the things that you're repairing on the implements are going to be replaced with new parts, which have new paint. and finally (c) the rate that the repainting is needed is just ridiculous. Repainting is RARELY done on the farm, and a lot of the tractors look particularly great! It's just a weird system all aropund.

  3. Thanks again for your hard work here! I'm sure you saw my other comment from your other video, so my question here was for Mod #4, "Repair and Paint Settings", would you mind sharing what you keep your maintenance/paint intervals and costs at in your saves? It appears you go for extremely realistic, just as I do, and you obviously have a lot more time active in the game to see how the costs play out. I play "Start from Scratch" with all hard difficulty settings for my saves, and this is kind of the missing area of what I've researched so far. I'm just wondering what you think is realistic, as I definitely trust your judgment just seeing your content.

    Please keep up the great work and thanks for interacting so much with your community! It's truly appreciated! 🙂

    (EDIT: I saw in the video you had set all the values at 25%, I just want to make sure I'm not making it too easy to be profitable is all. Thanks again!)

  4. For American maps…we need a tornado mod. Destruction of fields and scattering of farm equipment dependant upon the path of a randomly generated tornado. Five sizes to represent the intevsity F1-F5.

  5. Damage Bar Selection: I found a mod for FS19 that shows the status of the tractor and all implements in percent. It displays in either green, yellow or red. I forget the name of it.

  6. Real mower was a fav of mine in fs19 to be able to remove those pesky bushes that hide tools with ease especially on none created fields, would love to see it in fs22.

  7. I appreciate the level of effort you go to with the timestamps and links in the description. I had a lot of these but I still picked up one or two from watching it.

  8. Is there a mod where you are not the only one working on the field? I mean for example on the field that you don't own you can see harvester. I know you can hire ai Worker but only on mine property

  9. Thanks for this, looks super helpful! I've played pretty casually for many years but as I am trying to get more into the gameplay I really notice that this game needs quite a few mods for immersion and variety. Will definitely check some of these out.

  10. Hello i know i am late but it would mean a lot for a reply . I am purchasing a gaming laptop (Acer Swift X) And am wondering if mods are able to be downloaded on to that?

  11. Love this list. I do already have most of them, a few more I will install. Store Deliveries is a must have for me, it was for FS19 too. Another great but not well known trick I use for Store Deliveries is when I am doing contracts/missions and I need to borrow the tractors/tools for the job is to set the delivery point to the contract field (or nearby it), then choose accept items. It will auto deliver them to the that job. 🙂 Keep up the gr8 work!

  12. Is this worth buying? I have the 2019 version. Only thing I don't like in the 2019 version, vanilla, is the terrain manipulator. I try to flatten or extend out some land and it raises/lowers in ways indont want and no way to revert back.

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