Do you think the side panel is work the cost?
||||||||||||||||||||||||||…. 86% ⭐ Oh yeah, totally worth it!
||||…………………….. 10% ⭐ No, too expensive for what it is
||………………………. 4% ⭐ I spent all my money on NUGGIES!

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Connects easily with Bluetooth, USB-C, or analog. Ready to go right out of the box!

This video we review the Logitech Heavy equipment side panel for Farming Simulator 22. Is this still the ultimate Farming Simulator Controller?

||||||||||||||| 97% ||||||||||||||| 73.2K/75K
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#FarmingSimulator22 #Logitech



  1. Great analysis! I appreciate it. And no funny noise buttons like what Dj has. lol. Keep up the strong work and I hope we hear about the best on the market soon (compared to the FS one). Another subscriber and member. Thanks for what you do (which is bring some sanity to the table).

  2. Here's a great question… if I buy two of them… can I customize both of them to function simultaniously like I would be using one with my left hand and one with my right hand as if I was operating a machine in real life that uses buttons and levers on my left and right side.

    Also… toggling the red and blue light on the stick… you can think of it as if red is for left stick on a handheld controller and blue as right stick, minus the diagonal feature but adding in the Z-Axis twisting motion.

  3. I got the Heavy Equipment Bundle for Christmas, and i play on ps4! It seems to not work as well on FS22 as it does on FS19.. Im thinking in future updates for the game it will get better!

  4. I didn't see where he posted his layout for side panel. fs 19 had a decent system but idr all the controls and having issues finding the correct buttons to map. if he never posted his, would any of you post yours?

  5. This must be a pretty high margin product for Logitech.. $200 for some chinese buttons and plastic is wild. Pass for me, shame it seems like this has gotten no love from Logitech since the original launch

  6. Have you a g29 wheel set up video I'm having awful trouble getting my wheel to work properly im getting weird sticky points though in other games i dont

  7. $200 for this box is reeetaarded! You can spend half that on a real joystick like my dual t1600's and have variable axis that work at the same time, ergonomic grip, and plenty of buttons as modifiers. Don't fall for this scam

  8. Its £110 and you think it should have back lite buttons…dude seriously for that price i think you are already getting way too much, compare to an elite controller at £155.

  9. I'm having an issue with the panel in FS22 where the camera stays slightly moving all the time, i just solved it turning off the camera movement bindings in the joystick

  10. Nice review, I've been kicking around the idea of potentially building my own joystick or perhaps seeing if I can adapt my virpil to this game, controller isn't terrible but it would be pretty awesome to have a stick. I may make it a dual stick since it would be super fun to have some custom controls for gold rush.

  11. $500 for a steering wheel and side panel. No wonder my son keeps asking for money for his games. I figured buying the $600 console and $60 games was enough(and it is im done buying this junk).

  12. Hey Klutch, thanks for making this. I do have a question about wheels. I have a wheel, but I find that I also need to have a controller hooked up for movement outside the vehicles. Is there a wheel out there that makes it so you don't have this issue? Thanks.

  13. I just bought a 45€ Joystick instead. It has 15 buttons, a hand throttle and allows simultaneous use of both axis at one third the cost of the heavy equipment panel

  14. Very fancy equipment without much use considering the price. You can do the same with two XBox controllers plugged in and that will cost even much less if you go for older controllers. But I'd suggest not to buy third party controllers as they sometimes need to install drivers, which is annoying. Rather XBOX controllers are always plug n play in Windows and you can use up to for of those without any problem.
    As you mentioned, if only there were some way to mark the buttons for easy identification…

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