Farm Sim News FS22 – Farming Simulator 22
TLX Removed, JD Mods, BulletBill Is Back!
0:00 – Farm Sim News
0:10 – Top Stories
0:22 – PC Testing
1:26 – Console Testing
2:21 – Mods Waiting
2:29 – New Mods Out Now
2:41 – TLX 2020 Removed
4:01 – John Deere 5075E
4:42 – John Deere 110 4×4
5:23 – John Deere 100 Baler
6:02 – Anteater Tractor
6:39 – New Holland 9682
7:14 – Energreen Released
8:09 – Power Tools Update
9:00 – Borger Separator
9:27 – Almost Finished
9:46 – BulletBill Is Back
10:42 – Outro
Today’s New Mods –
Mod Testing List –
Giants Support –
82 Studio –
J.A –
Sleutjes –
ARMteam –
EY –
Whiskey Sierra –
NH 6982 Download –
Energreen Download –
EDOmod –
White Bull –
BulletBill –
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In this video, I explain why the TLX 2020 is not on consoles (for now anyway) It will be back soon!
Today's New Mods TLX 2020, New Tractors, Cheat Windrow, & More! –
I NEED Lone oak in 22. I really hope that it gets put into the game
I am kinda mad that the 2020 is not on consoles
Yeah my ps4 crashes a lot sometimes it from base game equipment fs22 but my Xbox one is fine so far
Xbox: The store does not crash but I can not anything new. Used equipment is okay but not new.
A good way to buy the tlx is to buy the bed then the truck
Are we going to get the snow plow
I hope the nmc trucks come back?
Great video DJ, I'd love to see lone oak farm being brought into FS22 in the future absolutely loved that map
Mappers Paradise are planning on making a map but they don’t know what one there going to do
Hopefully with bullet bill coming back we can get a lone oak conversion
Why are they still making mods for 19 just focus on 22
Even without the TLX my Xbox one S still crashes and freezes with no warning or anything gets pretty irritating if you ask me
Cannot wait for Bullet Bill's new map, for farming Simulator 22
I hate to complain but fs22 has 1 usa map and 4 based europe. Can we got a new usa map?
Yeah my ps has been crashing on fs hope to be fixed soon ?
The new proof hopper is gliched what ever you mow just disappears
International Harvester 7488 or known by its nickname Snoopy. I'm looking forward to further information on the mod.
DJ, is there a way to get rid of those stupid bales in the store? Whats up with Giants cant even enjoy looking at your equipment before purchasing. Btw love your vids Dj keep up the great work??
Hey Dj been trying to use the new 60ft header and it has some bugs. The header will not set down on its trailer without launching up into the air. And the header wheels are too high. Leaves lots of patches of crop behind. Just wondering if you know of an update coming soon? Thanks
Dj do u know why the plow and salt spreader did not come on fs19 for the winter wolf??
They need to give us a truck to use for the goose neck trailer no point in having one if we can't haul it around
Of course, as soon as I get internet, the tlx gets removed
Wonder if they tried looking for the crash in offline mode… all my crashes happen with internet connection active.. go into offline mode, no issues… soo download mods.. restart game.. go offline.. go play crash-free
My PS4 has been doing for a about a week I reported it and now I’m playing on pc only
Woohoo one of my favorite trucks
Has anyone else had the problem of water tankers disappearing?
The game crashes on PlayStation even with mods turned off.
Does anyone know if Mr sealyp is ok? Hasn't done a vid for a while now. I only ever watch DG and him
I've gone back to 19 and will probably stay on that game for a long time until this one is worth playing.
Goes to show you they didn't test the TLX 2020 very good. Funny how they look over some and give some the full going over.
Store crashing is becoming very annoying indeed ? glad they are aware and onto it
It does it for me
the anteater….was a nickname….its a IH that pivits just in front of the cab… it looks like a 1586 but like i said pivits in the middle ..kinda weird tractor but very neat..cant wait to see it done
go figure David aka82 studio wud make a truck soooooo good…that it brings to life..dormant unknown bugs…lol… Get-R-Done …lol
YES, air carts are coming.
Can you get a modder to make a tn map for all platforms
Yeah my game has crashed on multiple occasions in the shop and i have to save the game every time i use it just incase. I hope it gets fixed soon
Hey DjGoHam can you let the modder that made the big 18 foot header that it bounces on the combine
Do the tlx vid or ur losing 200 minimum subs. My entire high school is subbed to u and we will lovely all unsub
Will the TLX need to go through testing again after the update
I use the modded JD X9 1100 with the 60ft header and anytime those two mods come within a close proximity my game will crash.
Is it a bird is it a plane not its tge tlx 2020