ALPINE EXPANSION DLC ERLENGRAT #12 / Hay we're finished / #FarmingSimulator19 #XBOX1S #Let’sPlay


Alpine Expansion DLC Erlengrat #12 / Hay we’re finished / Farming Simulator 19 XBOX 1S Let’s Play. #GIANTSSoftware. #FocusHomeInteractive. Lets Play series, on #FS19 #AlpineExpansionDLC by Giants Software. 6 Day Seasons, Swiss Geo, and Straw Harvest mods enabled. We finish off the grass work by making a large batch of TMR. We sell the silage bales for some good money. With the straw harvest add-on not working I have made some small changes to the map and Let’s Play.

#FS19​ #Erlengrat #AlpinefarmingDLC​ #GIANTSSoftware​ #FocusHomeInteractive​ #FarmingSimulator19​ #Seasons​ #letsplay



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