FS DAILY NEWS!! Millennial Farmer Map Update, TLX 9000, Plus New Trucks | Farming Simulator 19


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  1. it's sad about the millennial farmer map hopefully giants will reach out to them and say what the problem is and hopefully the modding community will reach out to help fix it because we dnt have alot of big maps there are a few usa maps but they are garbage like stone valley x2 you cant remove the place ables one map has windmills going down the middle the only true big map is made buy the ones who made the walkers farm map and just a suggestion butt bugging the modders about mods when its giants call that's who ppl need to reach out to

  2. They really played us bruh, told us it passed testing and was pending release. Just a couple days later they blindside us and now it’s being thrown in the trash. Honestly Millennial Farmer should just get another BETTER modder to take on the challenge.

  3. W all of the issues on Welker Farms I thought itd be probably a long shot they get MN Millennial done. So many random issues on their maps when they are released. Brings me back to the memories of Welker farms release.

    Now hoping for Oregon Springs to make a comeback.

  4. I said it for weeks the map is not gonna happen with all the issues then the delays had to expect it. What a waste of time really. First it was coming to mod contest then no. Then promised then promised. I stopped expecting it months ago. Said it should have been this week lol maybe next week but surprise again nope!

  5. Wow….no millenial map, thats actually severely disappointing. The one thing I was REALLY looking forward to. Oh well so how about custom modding they got some spectacular mods coming out soon!


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