NEW MODS | BUGGY! In a good way! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 16th Feb 2021 PS5.


NEW MODS | BUGGY! In a good way! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 16th Feb 2021 PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Seasons GEO: NML Production By: Farmer Mahnew, Kverneland UN7655
By: LT-Modding, Reboke 16000 Plus By: FBT Modding, Buggy Kart By: SleutjesModding, Lizard SGIC By: Tiik modding/Miotto Modding/SrVertex, Cutting Bar Set By: Polofreak211/GnomAtom/privat privat, Lizard Tresla Cyberquad
By: J.AModding & Michieletto AM19 By: Realistic Farmers.

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  1. FINALLY a little go cart. An absolute must have for every farm.
    The mowers are a much needed addition too. Beautiful toys today, especially for low power farms.

  2. Really loved this review the mowers look cool im not a fan on mowers but really like these and the buggy was awesome I would like 2 use a auger have u got a map where u use it for different jobs

  3. MSP building a ramp and jumping a vehicle! That DJ kid really is a bad influence! Lol loving it but don’t let the bad kid corrupt you too much.

  4. All I gotta say is I love the jump with the go kart mrsealyp, and of course all your videos. I normally don’t comment as I feel they’ll get drowned out and you’ll never see them but I gotta say basically every farmer has Atleast one or two but generally more, quads or a side by side. If they have kids then they definitely got a dirt bikes or go kart Sitting around, there great to have on a farm. My parents own a small hay farm that sells top quality horse hay that is made into small square bales, instead of round ones. We’d get two cuts/harvests every summer and they were already sold before they were even cut off the field not a big farm but still one. Anyways back to my main point. We have one quad, two Dirt bikes, only two ski doo’s now (use to have four) and low and behold a 1976 Honda Odyssey 250FL, which is basically the exact same thing you launched off that jump. So for anyway that says there no use for that on a farm and no farm has one I highly disagree.

  5. Nice run down of the mods today, MrSealyP! Just last night I was looking for some older style cheap mowing options and, as if by magic (hurrah Mr Benn reference!), that cutter bar set pops up, very nice! I like that it's there's the option for the Fender 250GT but also regular 3-point version too.

    Also regarding the baler wrapper, you may have been thinking of the "New Bales" mod by TF 2020 MODS. It's also a repackage of some base game baling / stacking equipment but with tons of colour options and special versions for dealing with the oversized Hesston big bales! A very nice pack that is too.

    I would assume with the Cyber-quad the excessive is braking is caused by whatever kinetic braking recharge system thing it has, yes that's a right load of bollards but it sounds like it could be true lol. Seriously though, I'd love to see some mods come out that utilise the new electric power charging features that came with the Alpine DLC!

    Cheers mate!

  6. I always look forward to your videos Mr SealyP, they are really awesome – thank-you very much.
    Huge Thank-you to Realistic Farmers – so so much better and a lot more realistic!
    Wonder if the sound of the quad's will ever be more like actual ATV's/Quads – seems to be the only sound to use sounds like the pick up truck. Much prefer the Agro Tonho's Quad style personally as that looks more like a Honda/Kawaski.

  7. DJgoham is having a bad influence on you building ramps jumping go carts, what other mad antics will you be getting up to . Dj better watch out he got competition ??????love theses mod reviews hope your having a nice day ??

  8. The juvenile in me is loving the buggy, I am liking the new animal trailer, I am liking the look of the quad….. However where the quad sort of stops dead…. Kind of shoots itself in the foot for me, if I'm honest. Like you say, marmite.

  9. To the quad that stops as soon as you release giants don't want anything to cost. They dinged 82s about it rolling to a stop. So I'm only guessing that might have been why.

  10. MSP giving hearts to all of us and it isn’t even Valentine’s Day anymore 😉

    That buggy is a good pickup alternative. If you want to go and check out a future plot, check on the animals or something


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