NEW MODS (SPEEDY SEEDER) (Review) Farming Simulator 19 PS5 FS19 25th Nov 2020. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.
Mods: Machineshed With Workshop By: Reffarmer/[DMI]20mmNormandy, New Holland/Case IH Drapper By: Agro Tonho, Lowloader With 16 Wheels By: JapanModding(Erix05), Lindner BF450 By: KamUs, Seeder 400 By: CM Modding, Lizard Pampa Brazil By: Cola/Graxinha, Handmade Trailer By: ThuggieStylez/ original FSH_Balu, Randon Vanderleia Dumper By: Erik Isac/Agro Mods, Samson SG/TGX By: Smety & Junkkari W700 By: INF Modding.
Instagram: @mrsealyp
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That yellow pick up looks more like an mk3 escort van conversion. But probably supposed to be a P100
Hi. Not related to this particular video, but about mods…are there any mods(dolly or otherwise) that allow you to make a semi-trailer b-train on console(PS4)? I’ve tried just about every combination and haven’t had any luck. Thanks.
5.9 12 V most likely refers to a specific Cummins 12 Valve engine.
I have noticed that the speed seeder does potatoes
I use fertilizer spreader to sow cover crops and grass seed on my personal farm. Works well and much cheaper than a grain drill for no more than we need it! And can cover more ground much cheaper, just use more seed…
Do a search on Ford p100 pickup based on a mk5 cortina in uk that’s what the pampa looks like
I hope they’ve sorted that fastrac after the last update as it lost a lot of it’s menu controls after the last update.
Great mods also which map is that??
12v stands for 12 valve in the Cummins engine it's what Western champlin put in his smokestang that he's building
The covers on the trailers are made to bend when driven on. They are the same material as the mud-flaps
Another great mod review thank u 4 yor hard work
the lindner has the same engine sound as the mf135 from fs17
Great mod review hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving.
That little tractor looks great and the seeder, great mod review as always ?
I am done with this game unless Giants fix it so that it is a lot easier to manage mods.
I just transferred my save game over from PS4 to PRO and I had a mod list sitting at 99%. I don't want to start my save game because I used a lot of mods but it has taken me a week so far to install these mods manually I'm at 80% now but the list of mods noted at the loading screen is full of mods that can not either be found in the mod hub or are loaded but won't dissappear from the list meaning I have no way of checking what mods are left to install or finding the missing mods on the list either because they have been removed or renamed on the mod hub.
Mod management in this game is horrific.
I can't even easily remove the mods I've installed so far because you can only remove them one at a time.
So FS19 is stopping me playing FS19. What a joke.
Didnt ford make a small pickup in the late 70s/early 80's based on the cortina. I remember the P1000 based on the the sierra but i swear the cortina had one before. Hence the pampa looks early 80's ford at the front
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh just downloaded Buck's county AGAIN and still having grass issues. Can't cut the grass!!!!! I'm not writing bad language but I'm thinking it!!!! It work's fine when not playing season's, but just will not work correctly while playing season's. I've tried many different Geo's. Even tried playing with no Geo. Grass just won't cut…. I'm beyond frustrated…????
Another great mods! You missed bale color changer mod tho 🙁
Would be nice if bucks county was a 2 X map
That brazilian pickup looks like an old chevy luv
Thanks for the mod review! Very happy to have bucks co because I didn't have it on my ps5!
Isn't that pick up a Ford P100 based on the Cortina?
I reckon the mod hub only shows mods for pc and console.
12V is 12 valves if its a 6 cylinder its odd they would say it. 1 intake, 1 exhaust is normal. 18V is kind of a newer thing that use 3 valves per cylinder.
Being Brazilian I'm excited about all these new Brazilian mods. Thanks for all the reviews.
12v is probably for 12 valve. The Cummins 12 valve is a vary popular engine for engine swaps and so on. It would be a in line 6 cylinder engine. My personal favorite. I don't have one but they sound so good. I love your mod preview vids all your vids really. I play farm sim 19 on ps4 on average 6 hours a day. My health is bad so I can't do much else. I play semi realistic realizing its not real life its a game and sometimes being realistic takes way to long or is not practical or possible. I know you don't do much malti-player but I would love to play together on a large American map. I'm a typical American I like big equipment and getting my farm big fast but In my head I usually use the premise that grandpa died and left me the farm and some rental house's that is how I justify using the farm subsidies cheat. But I also once I get going I do like I hurd you say yesterday and give money to charity. So although we are vary different we play kinda the same way. You are a fun guy. Keep doing your thing your way. Haters are going to hate don't let them bother you. I play as swampmanjoe0 lets have a chat and please consider us playing a game together you could do something a litter different I could be your long lost brother or even just a hired farm hand. Or on the right map we could each have our own farm and help each other out. Just looking for someone to play with that knows about all the good mods as I do and takes it some what serous. Thanks
I’m finding the draper header not touching the ground on the ones before that are lizard but you can customise ie couloir and makes
Good presentation as always,sorry for the question but we have any autoloader for forestry?
Beg your pardon
That brazilian pick up reminds me of the XD ford falcons from the 1980
Ive just tried the lizard seeder myself and it does run at the top speed of the tractor youre using, tried a MF 390T at 21mph then for a laugh put it on a JCB 4220 at 40mph lol
That little seeder seemed to go at 14mph and also acted as a direct drill as it left a drilled texture after you passed over the ploughed section of your test field……
MrSealyP That Lindner is from the old 15 and 17 classics packs, was loud at that time to .
the claas slury tanker is from 17 , i think on pc . yeh cool mods greetings to SealyEG and the rest of the famely. have good one
As a certain @Thomas Bowen has mentioned, The 12V means it's a 12 Valve diesel (and quite obviously if identifying by valves, then it's a Cummins)
Thanks a million mr sealyp. Would have missed out on the new seeder only for you. 15mph quiet fast just what I need for my Sussex farm. Kinda hooked on that farm … thanks again. J
12 valve cummins motor.
Have the small Lindner tractor in game handsignals instead of blinkers?
Of course it's a speedy seeder when it's built by the Famous Finnish Rally people! Can jump extra long with smooth landings. 😀
That Lindner is from the old 15 and 17 classics packs, would like to see more tractors out of those packs as they fit well with the Alpine expansion
The Pampa pick-up is a re-badged Ford P100 and the engine is totally wrong it should be a 4 cyl. and not a v8 .Please spend a bit of time to get these things right . When you enter it it says 1.6l on the screen.
The Randon lift axle tires don't reach the ground,and the landing gear falls through the ground. ?
An interesting set of mods today! Nice to see some tools coming out specifically for the Claas tractors, nice update to the NMC trucks too especially reducing / combining the number of models in the store! Those two new seeders are also very cool and surprisingly different, I also love that new Lizard Pampa Brazil pickup! As soon as I saw it in the ModHub my first thought was, as you mentioned too, that it looks not unlike the old Ford Cortinas / Granadas we used to have in England many moons ago!
Cheers for the ever always informative breakdown of new mods, MrSealyP!!
Yay bucks county is back cant wait. Mrsealyp we should do a let's play together. I'm trying to start my own but idk how you do it. Any tips or advice would be great.