PACKED with NEW MODS (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 12th March 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.
Mods: Manure Plates By: Danielx321, Vehicle Workshop Ramps By: JMZ, Brick Garage By: Maks, Big Garage By: Simsoniarz, Large Farm Workshop By: CaveModding, Wooden Barns By: Krycho dwa, Domestic Foil Tent With Tomatoes
By: Viczian Modding, Grain Silo By: R.Mihail, Cow Farm Pack By: Kamilos0397, Kuhn PZ280F By: Puszkap, Cultivator NVFT 72 Disc By: SM Farm, Eurospand Pack (OBE Spreader Pack) By: Black eyes modding, Samson SP 14-17 By: Twente_Farmers, Brantner TA 16053 By: pics by der Bauer, Deutz D’06 Series
By: blauea, Claas Dominator 106 By: ErikFS & TLX 48Ft Livestock Trailer
By: 82Studio.
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Deutz r really g8 good sound I like claas machines I wish we didn't have slots cause I would have every claas bit of kit 82 mods r knocking it out the park with there mods g8 review
what I would like to see is a small house (sleep trigger) with lean to's on 3 sides so you have a home and sheds in one.
Using the tomato shed on seasons and works fine ??
Ejecto fertilizer spreader cuz. That was funny to see the fertilizer spreader being ejected off the back.
Just for your information the moving parts on the inside of the combine are called straw walker’s ???great review again ????
Thanks MrSealyp for another great mods review, watching with pleasure.
Nice to see it's already 2021 and we're still getting a lot of mods for this great 2019 game. ????
I think the claas combines from the 70s and 80 where painted blue. Sold as ford combines
Hi. Glad you feel well and back in action. Btw Came across a channel called farmer's POV. You should check it out. Makes me what to play the Slovenian maps hahaha
The tlx rigid pack update had an animal transport module addition (like the 48ft you showed off.)
Perhaps those cows are freeze uns mr sealy p ?
@Mrsealyp @36:50 That model of Claas was in the USA under the Ford brand and was blue and white. The Lexion series was sold in partnership with CAT was was in Cat black and gold..
About time we had some Oz/Kiwi options
The new spreaders spread seed as well
Claas had the Dominator in blue as a Ford in the US I think – and possibly even as MF too for a time. The yellow colour came in when Claas built Lexions at their US plant and they were badged as CAT Lexion I believe.
Love the video keep up the great work
Thank you Mr. SealyP
Never any need to apologise for a Convoy reference, MrSealyP, it's a classic movie after all and Rubber Duck would be proud he's so well loved! All we need now is a Chartreuse Microbus to tag along and we could get a big ole convoy rolling in FS with all these amazing mods!
Regarding the Eurospand pack by Black Eyes Modding, not sure if it wasn included in the console release but as part of the update a sowing version was also added under Seeders, so we can have a Jolly spreading time .. ?
Great mod review as always and a nice selection of new things to take us into the weekend! Cheers mate!
The Class is easily the best mod there and should be awarded 100% 5 stars. Why you guys out there give simple mods like sheds 5 stars is way beyond belief.
Hey you forgot the spreader also a seeder to
Any chance of a Ravensberg Let's Play?
Don't worry i'll still watch even if you lose your mind.?
Is it an inside joke or just irony that the man who can never find the light-switch has a starting lights intro? 😉 But then, in a busy house you never have to find the switch; it's always on. You sound a lot fitter, good to hear!
Good to have you back to your old self
Pig pen always the last in the convoys great movie
Hey I spoke to Cave modding! This is what he said:
Thank's, Enjoy ! Yes, the trigger is a problem. First I placed it top of lift, but then the shop menu doesn't work proper and game log brings error. So I decided to put the trigger in this position. Cause is: If the trigger overlaps any other object (the lift), it doesn't work ? but I try to figure out this problem in the next update. ?
Great video mrsealyp hope your well thank you for your hard work towards console players really appreciate it
Claas combine mirrors don’t work you notice maybe that’s why the slot count is so low
Fridays are always a good day!
MrSealyp You're so late we had mods at afternoon,UK London time of course….?????
Your review of the building with the vehicle lift. If you think about it only the exhaust would be serviced on the lift and the draining of fluids. All other functions would be done at floor level, add fluids, change wheels, work on the electrics, etc..
Great video MrSealyP, your choice of colors for the TLX truck and trailer made me think of scooby Doo.
Is the landie a polo ??
'Breaker Pig Pen this here's the Rubber Duck. You wanna back off them hogs?'
Chances of a Chellington Valley let's play?
I thought I'd get that workshop….and then….that trigger issue ended that. Hopefully they can fix it
The rolls in the workship building is a brake test machine the results you see on the clocks on the left from the lift.
Large Farm Workshop: I like to set the trigger over the stage, but unfortunately the menu doesn't work as it should, errors are also displayed in the log. This always happens when the trigger overlaps another object (in this case the stage). I will try to fix the problem with the update and put the trigger over the stage. Thanks for the introduction!
Random farming question: from my house I can see loads of huge fields (uk) up on the hills, but only one is a dusky crop colour, whilst all the rest are green. Surely they aren't just farming grass? I'm a 'noob'.
side note.. sounds like your back to yourself again. glad to hear that your doing better I meant to put this in about a mod or 2 review back
lol don't try this at home kids… I do this when I'm in the fields in game when I need to get another piece of equipment but don't want to actually do it the same..
Ya missed the seeder in the Eurospand Pack Sir
Thanks fo your videos
5th! Present and ready for the weekend!!!! Thanks for your dedication!
It’s not PACKED with new mods because if it was, we would see a 50+ minutes video from you. More like PLENTY of new mods 😉
USA claas was yellow-ish, not that orange colour.
Nice ??
That claas looks like the old JCB colours.