Questionable Planter? Oh Great…. | E23 Flint Hills | Farming Simulator 19


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  1. Great video as always Randy! Keep up the great work! I too tried the John Deere DB50 planter and found it too buggy so I deleted it from my mods folder. I'm assuming this particular mod must have been leaked at some point because LR Modding usually does so much better job at troubleshooting his mods before he releases them to the public. Gotta love that European hitch on that EU version of the John Deere 8RX along with the European warning markings on the rear fenders. I assume you had intended to purchase the US version instead.

  2. I was thinking about why there isnt fertilizer on the DB50. Im thinking it is that refuge tank thats on there. Im sure thats why there is not any fertilizer. I mean it says, "Missing Configuration," in the shop. So that must be that must be that error your getting. I thought i would point it out.


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