PMC have been creating real-life DEM and custom DEM terrains for a while now and they have ventured out with their biggest ever terrain. This is on the absolute limit of what FS22 and Giants Editor can handle. and to be clear this isn’t a finished map, more of an experiment of what is possible with the Giants engine.
Check out PMC’s Terrain page here:
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LIVE – Testing PMC’s 45km Experimental Terrain – Farming Simulator 22
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#fs22 #pmcterrains #thefarmsimguy
þrðmð§m ?
With a bit more dust and this could house the Welkers farm =)
Please Download !!??
The GIANT Engine and Editor are infamously bad compared to Unreal Engine. Just imagine what FS could become if built in UE5 ?
lets start a 100k cows dairy :p
I’d really like to have a map like this blank and all that way I could build it all out!! Great work!!
Holy Moly I am real impressed how it works – well done !
How do we install the file, it's not a zip style and I can't get the how to page to load.
Interesting idea and good presentation.
Biggest problem with Farming Simulator and Giants engine in general is age,it's a 15 years old arhaic engine that only receive small patches trough the years to cut costs.
Data streaming doesnt exist and thats why maps biggest then 1kmX1km run like crap even on high end gaming systems,Giants claim that they fixed and updated this,which is false because bigger maps still run poorly.
For example Unreal Engine 4 and 5,Unity and other modern engines have amazing data streaming built into it,so you can make 20kmX20km terrains with lots of trees and objects and game would still run perfect with max FPS,if this was a case with Giants Engine and Farming Simulator we would play massive maps todays with towns,villages and lots of more stuff to offer.
But…we have what we have,game is still fun to play.
big map is impressive. only grass drawing square and angular shape. if it can be fixed, then it will be very cool.
onde acho esse mapa para abaixar? já esta disponível ?
So when will you be releasing the Autodrive course for this map? …….Spits tea out while laughing.
i had that exact same issue at around min. 32:00. after activating the helper the vehicle seems to have a mind of its own even starts moving while not in the vehicle when cruisecontrol is on. and im on ps4, might be a game issue that will hopefully be fixed with the next update.
Australia would be a perfect location for a map of that size. We have vast rolling terrain that stretches over these distances.
I wonder how much greenhouses will fit on here LOL
Some of the really large maps have a delay loading field info in the menu. How bad is it with this map?
FarmSim Guy…I'm screaming at my screen…turn on your course visual so you can see the problem!!!! LOL Of course, this is a day later so my yelling is mute but I found that sometimes running multiples in courseplay they get googlie!!!! But if you turn OFF the guides you will go nuts trying to figure out why… 🙂 BTW, LOVE THIS!!!! Can't wait to get 22 and check out this map. I love that it's undone, Think people that went west (in the USA) back in the day and just had a big nothing of land….they made it their own. With a map like this you can actually go in and create everything yourself…make your own world. Farms, towns, etc… Oh, I can't wait!!!!
This map in 7th edition of FS, for me, is very bored
Looks like there's some work to do on this map… ?
Thanx a lot for the video!??
Great demo of what can be personally I think CP need a bit more time for a thick o like me nicely presented FSG and a interesting watch keep up the great work ????⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Setting up the grain carts, displaying all waypoints at the start might have helped to see what was going on and to help line them up. Using courseplay is lazy? anyone can jump in a tractor and put the pedal to the metal, I think courseplay takes a bit more knowhow at times especially multi vehicles, setting up harvester unload etc. You can record a new field boundary by using the dot(record button) in the courseplay hud, the black one with the play button to start/stop the tractor. Click the dot and drive round your intended field as in fs19
Now this is great to see, I personally don't like being able to see the end of the map from one side or the other, even 16x maps I find small and unrealistic, I'm very picky when it comes to how realistic a map is in this game. IRL it would take me 30min to take a load of grain to the dryers, or more to go to town for spool or two of fencing, so if this type of terrain ends up in a map of some kind from real life, I'd definitely be happy to delete every map I have to use this lol, awesome video as usual FSG.
Would this be considered a 64x map? Or something bigger?
Aí sim e um mapa top vai liberar ele aí pra gente
this looks like a great map but i just can't help to think it's too BIG with the capabilities from the giant's software frames looked great on stream but add a few other players and decorations buildings etc it's going to be very rough to play on this isn't a single player sort of map for some players on older pc equipment also the non-straight roads or even on the fields were awful the jagged edges just don't look good hope you go back to farming instead of showing off other peoples projects no man's land with argsy is great and good to watch hoping for another bulls gap sort of series in the future always ere to leave a like as always
Thanks for showing this giant map. I'm not gonna play it, way to big for one person. And i don't think my PC can handle it once everything is in motion.