Buying A Tractor, Clearing Trees & Contract Work – Ravensberg #2 Farming Simulator 19 Timelapse


FS19 Buying a tractor, clearing trees and contract work is the the second part in the Ravensberg timelapse series. We start the day off doing a few contracts to earn enough money to buy our first tractor. We then do a further fertilizing contract so we can then buy a front loader, log grab and trailer. We use that to start clearing trees from our land we bought last time. The logs are taken to the local sawmill and the money we make is used to buy a new field and a caravan for us to live in.

Ravensberg by TopAce888 can be downloaded on the official Farming simulator Modhub:

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FARM MANAGERS – Andrew Asche, Robson Oliveira, EarthHunt3r, DeAnn Harring, Stevie 4K Gaming, Brian Cook, LS Ricci, Jim Hope, Florian, Adritank, Dub Quatro, Christoffer Schmidt, Bruce Gianuzzi, D10_Dr4Go _, ArtyPunkz 95, ElfWolf King, Henning Jahn, AncientSalt, René Møller Madsen, MisterFister, Victor Karehana, Adam Christensen, Applestan, Bismarck, Ian C, Officialy2004inc

?Music used under license from Epidemic Sound
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Music by
▶ 1. 00:00 Tomas Skyldeberg: By the shore

▶ 2. 03:00 Civet Cat: Red leaves falling

▶ 3. 07:08 Dye O: Papaya island

▶ 4. 10:40 dvine: Forsaken souls

▶ 5. 14:19 Tomas Skyldeberg: Mystic river

▶ 6. 17:09 Hallman: Broken trust

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  1. As another said I love how you moved the contacts to a better spot than just the shop makes it more realistic. How do you get your tree lengths so close together when you cut them? Do you just guess or do you use the length mod? Love this series sim.

  2. Loving this series so far, Ravensberg is a great map IMO ! I'm also always impressed by your logging skills, and I really enjoy the way you RP your playthroughs ?
    One suggestion I would have though is when you do contracts, that you actually finish them instead if relying on when the game says the contrat is done 100%. I find it a bit immersion breaking when you stop in the middle of a field when the contract is "done".
    Anyway, great vid, keep it up !

  3. I love how realistic this series is so far, a brush mower when you could just paint over it, a tent and mobile home when you could just speed up time. I already love where this is going?

  4. This would be interesting if you couldn't buy numbered fields. You can only own land you cut from the forests. The rest are only worked in contracts. A true rags to riches on land you cut.


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